7.编辑各种实施步骤的选项: •设计初始化(init_Design) •Opt设计(Opt_Design) •电源选择设计(Power_Opt_Design)(可选) •场所设计(场所设计) •放置后电源选择设计(Power_Opt_Design)(可选) •放置后物理选项设计(Phys_Opt_Design)(可选) •路线设计(Route_Design) •路由后物理选择设计(Phys...
解决方案:运行report_route_status以获取更多信息。严重警告:[Route 35-7]设计有8个不可布线的引脚,...
vivado route_design完成,计时失败嗨 我正在使用这个示例项目。 我运行实现,我得到这个错误:route_design完成,计时失败。 我怎么能在这里修理时机? 谢谢 回帖(3)张晶晶 2020-3-31 09:55:31嗨,这是脉冲宽度违规。 这是因为过度限制了您的设计。 造成这种情况的主要原因是违反了组件切换限制。例如,FF的时钟输出为...
按照图示替换ila已有信号为选取的信号,点击OK 因为只是修改了布线,布局没有改动,所以需要Route Design。Optimize Physical Design是优化布局、时序等。大工程不优化有可能布不成功。布局完成,直接Generate Bitstream、write Debug probes。 还有可以添加ila模块、初始化RAM、添加逻辑块等功能可参考https://blog.csdn.net/z...
route_design成功完成 route_design:时间:cpu = 00:56:47;逝去了= 00:22:25。记忆(MB):峰值=...
A CR is under investigation an tentatively assigned to be fixed in Vivado Design Suite 2014.1. Meanwhile, you can try running route_design a second time for cases where the first pass finishes with Hold violations. URL 名称 59465 文章编号 ...
This is a hang while running drc after route_Design. You could try running in non-project mode. Can you try this? Regards Sikta LikeReply bmjeffer2 (Member) 11 years ago Correct - I'm running out of the 2014.1 folder of the xapp. I reran in non-gui mode, using TCL Shell, and ...
Example: Mapping an ISE Design Suite Makefile to a Vivado Design Suite Makefile Sample Makefile Used in the ISE Design Suite Equivalent Makefile Used in the Vivado Design Suite Associated Tcl Files for the Vivado Design Suite Makefile run_vivado_opt.tcl run_vivado_place_n_route.tcl ...
Is there a reason for route_design to create such a long route? Solution In this case, it should be checked to see if a hold violation has been introduced by re-routing the long path. Vivado differs from ISE in that it will leave a setup violation if fixing it introduces a larger hol...
[Route 35-54] Net: CPU_INF_inst/IO_BUF_IF0[2].if0_iobuf_addr/O is not completely routed." In my design there are nearly 200 IDELAY instances which are used to delay the internal signals. The Vivado placer failed to place these instances at correct/optimal locations, as a result of...