7.编辑各种实施步骤的选项: •设计初始化(init_Design) •Opt设计(Opt_Design) •电源选择设计(Power_Opt_Design)(可选) •场所设计(场所设计) •放置后电源选择设计(Power_Opt_Design)(可选) •放置后物理选项设计(Phys_Opt_Design)(可选) •路线设计(Route_Design) •路由后物理选择设计(Phys...
[6] Verilog HDL:具有单时钟的真双端口RAM. [7] Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Synthesis (UG901).P96. [8] FPGA 内部双口块RAM 读写实现.
Following these instructions https://github.com/Xilinx/Vitis-AI/blob/1.3.2/dsa/DPU-TRD/prj/Vivado/README.md I'm getting a route error. I have two critical warnings and I'm not sure what they mean [Designutils 20-1280] Could not find modu...
[Route 35-54] Net: CPU_INF_inst/IO_BUF_IF0[2].if0_iobuf_addr/O is not completely routed." In my design there are nearly 200 IDELAY instances which are used to delay the internal signals. The Vivado placer failed to place these instances at correct/optimal locations, as a result of...
I am working on timing closure for a Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC design that uses a 3rd party memory controller. The design meets timing when I build it using Vivado 2019.1, but it always fails using Vivado 2021.2. At first it looked like the i...
vivado route_design完成,计时失败嗨 我正在使用这个示例项目。 我运行实现,我得到这个错误:route_design完成,计时失败。 我怎么能在这里修理时机? 谢谢 回帖(3)张晶晶 2020-3-31 09:55:31嗨,这是脉冲宽度违规。 这是因为过度限制了您的设计。 造成这种情况的主要原因是违反了组件切换限制。例如,FF的时钟输出为...
我运行实现,我得到这个错误:route_design完成,计时失败。 我怎么能在这里修理时机? 谢谢 0 2020-3-31 09:43:08 评论 淘帖 邀请回答 刘冰若 相关推荐 • “路由器成功完成”后发生了什么? 5556 • 是否可以在放置后手动路由一些关键信号 1128 • 如何通过Vivado修复设计路由 2594 • 路由占...
2、FPGA入门2 完成最开始FPGA开发版的全部资料学习和理解之后,你应该对FPGA设计和ZYNQ设计有一定的基本...
71764 - Vivado 2018.3 - PDIL-1 DRC Error after post-route phys_opt_design Description During an implementation run that uses the 'phys_opt_design -directive AggressiveExplore' command, the following DRC is seen: PDIL-1#1 ErrorInvalid Site ConfigurationInvalid configuration for site SLICE_X25Y50....
Is there a reason for route_design to create such a long route? Solution In this case, it should be checked to see if a hold violation has been introduced by re-routing the long path. Vivado differs from ISE in that it will leave a setup violation if fixing it introduces a larger hol...