馃惓 初级粉丝 1 如题,生成比特流文件时,一直在提示running multiple block runs,请问是什么问题 送TA礼物 1楼2020-05-02 21:49回复 1蒙牛酸酸乳 初级粉丝 1 楼主解决了吗 2楼2020-09-12 21:27 回复 1蒙牛酸酸乳 初级粉丝 1 我是综合时出错的 3楼2020-09-12 21:27 回复 ...
usingTclcommands.Formoreinformation,seeRunningImplementationinNon-ProjectMode. CreatingImplementationRuns Youcancreateandlaunchnewimplementationrunstoexploredesignalternativesandfind thebestresults.Youcanqueueandlaunchtherunsseriallyorinparallelusingmultiple, localCPUs. OnLinuxsystems,youcanlaunchrunsonremoteservers.Formore...
Running MicroBlaze Block Automation Using CLK Wiz/Proc Sys Reset Connecting Interfaces for the Clocking Wizard Designing with a platform board selected as the part: Designing with a part selected: Using AXI MIG/Proc Sys Reset Connecting Interfaces for AXI MIG Migrating AXI MIG Adding ...
Launching Multiple Runs Moving Processes to the Background Running Implementation in Steps How to Run Implementation in Steps About Implementation Commands Implementation Sub-Processes Opening the Synthesized Design Creating the In-Memory Design Tcl Commands ...
Running Synthesis Synthesis Flows Global Synthesis Block Design Synthesis Out-of-Context Synthesis Incremental Synthesis Synthesis Optimizations Synthesis Settings Synthesis Attributes KEEP and DONT_TOUCH MAX_FANOUT Block-Level Synthesis Strategy Moving Past Synthesis Reviewing and Cleaning DR...
Running MicroBlaze Block Automation 1. In the block design, add the MicroBlaze IP. 2. Select Run Block Automation for MicroBlaze_0. 3. In the Run Block Automation dialog box, make selections based on the information provided in Table 5-5, page 79. TIP: The AXI Interconnect instance for...
Running Functional Simulation Running Timing Simulation Saving Simulation Results Distinguishing Between Multiple Simulation Runs Closing a Simulation Adding a Simulation Start-up Script File Viewing Simulation Messages Managing Message Output Using the launch_simulation Command Examples Re-running...
You can find all the checkpoints and default reports in the implementation run directory: Using Tcl Scripting UG894 (v2014.1) April 2, 2014 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 17 Loading and Running Tcl Scripts ./Tutorial_Created_Data/cpu_project/project_cpu.runs/impl_1/ top_opt.dcp top_placed....
Defining Tcl Hook Scripts In a Non-Project flow you have the ability to source a Tcl script at any point in the flow, such as before or after running the synth_design command. You can also do this in a project-based flow, using the Vivado IDE, or by using the set_property command ...
An example of using multiple pointer targets. Example showing how the volatile keyword is used on interfaces. Multi-read pointer example using explicit pointer arithmetic. SystemC combinational design example. SystemC FIFO port example. SystemC example with multiple clocks. SystemC block RAM port ...