a.SpecifytheLaunchdirectory,thelocationatwhichimplementationrundatais createdandstored. Thedefauirectoryislocatedinthelocalprojectdirectorystructure.Filesfor implementationrunsarestoredbydefaultat: project_name/project_name.runs/run_name TIP:Definingadirectorylocationoutsidetheprojectdirectorystructuremakestheproject ...
Lab1:BuildingaZynq-7000APSoCProcessorDesign Step2:CreateanIPIntegratorDesign 1.IntheFlowNavigatorIPIntegrator,selectCreateBlockDesign. 2.IntheCreateBlockDesigndialogbox,specifyanameforyourIPsubsystemdesignsuchas zynq_design_1.LeavetheDirectoryfieldsettothedefaultvalueofLocaltoProject,and leavetheSpecifysourceset...
Enter the commands in the Tcl Console of the Vivado IDE or source them from a Tcl file: create_project project_Name ./exampleDesigns/project_8 -part xc7vx485tffg1157-1 The default project type is RTL. If you want to create a netlist project specify: set_property design_mode GateLvl [...
tiingsFroject namfe:ZT1TQ_SOCProduct family:Zynq7000Proj ect part:xc7z020clg4S4-2Top module name:IT*t dfined.扎 Create Block DesignPlease speci fy name of block desi gnDirectoryOK 皿沁建立工程添加模块设计后,在设计区域提示添加IP,点击“add IP”添加 IP或者点击工具栏图标添加辭 Di a.gxu X...
Providing a command name to the help command (i.e help ) reports the same help information as -help: Vivado% help create_clock The help command can also just return a short description of the arguments with the -args option: Vivado% help create_clock -args create_clock Description: Create...
This opens the project wizard shown in Creating a New Synthesis Project, which allows you to specify the following: • Project Name: Specifies the project name, which is also the name of the directory in which the project details are stored. • Location: Specifies where to store the ...
Create a clock object Syntax: create_clock -period [-name ] [-waveform ] [-add] [-quiet] [-verbose] [] Returns: new clock object Usage: Name Description --- -period Clock period: Value > 0 [-name] Clock name [-waveform] Clock edge specification [-add] Add to the existing clock ...
Using the Tcl Console, you can create a project with a name that contains the @ character. IMPORTANT! Spaces in directory and file names are supported by the Windows operating system. However, you should avoid using spaces in order to preserve portability of the project or files between the ...
The following table is an example naming convention for inferring an AXI4-Stream interface with interface name s0_axis. Table 2-5: Port Naming for AXI4-Stream Interface Nomenclature s0_axis_tdata s0_axis_tvalid s0_axis_tready s0_axis_tstrb s0_axis_tkeep s0_axis_tlast s0_axis_tid s0_...
You should use a new copy of the SysGen_Tutorial directory extracted from ug948-design- files.zip each time you start this tutorial. TIP: This document assumes the tutorial files are stored at C:\SysGen_Tutorial. All path names and figures in this document refer to this path name....