8.出现你标记点 当你点击它之后,上面工具倒数第3个像个波形一样的是选择抓取时钟的(就是采样这个信号的时钟频率,如果抓取频率小于信号变化频率,抓取就没价值了),一般系统会自己匹配,但是比如在对工程中clk信号本身进行抓包时,需要自己进行选择了。 9.sample of data depth就是抓多长,下面这个我用的时候没动过,感...
Error [IP_Flow 19-3805] Failed to generate and synthesize debug IPs. error copying "xxx": no such file or directory 此错误表示创建ila即debug core时出现错误,具体不详。 以下是网上给出的几种可能原因: 路径名称过长(排除) debug网络太多,资源不够(有可能) Vivado某种bug,restore重启即可[2](不太可...
60280 - 2014.1 Vivado - Vivado runs fail for a project opened using a UNC path: "couldn't read file "<design>.tcl": no such file or directory" Description I opened my Vivado project using a UNC path format on Windows. However, if I try to run any of the flows I receive an erro...
76585 - Vivado 2020.x - couldn't load file "librdi_commontasks.so": libtinfo.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Description 尝试启动 Vivado 或 Vitis HLS 时,出现以下消息: application-specific initialization failed: couldn't load file "librdi_commontasks.so": libti...
请教大神:运行SDI RX子系统示例工程,VIVADO软件程序报错,我是生成的RX-ONLY程序;这个该如何解决? fatal error: xv_sditxss.h: No such file or directory xsdi_menu.h /xuhdsdi_example_1/src line 42 C/C++ Problem自适应 SoC,FPGA架构和板卡 开发工具 Like Answer Share 3 answers 177 views LewisChen ...
60280 - 2014.1 Vivado - Vivado runs fail for a project opened using a UNC path: "couldn't read file "<design>.tcl": no such file or directory" Description I opened my Vivado project using a UNC path format on Windows. However, if I try to run any of the flows I receive an error...
Sep 23, 2021 Knowledge Title 76585 - Vivado 2020.x - couldn't load file "librdi_commontasks.so": libtinfo.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Description When trying to launch Vivado or Vitis HLS, I get the following message: ...
60280 - 2014.1 Vivado - Vivado runs fail for a project opened using a UNC path: "couldn't read file "<design>.tcl": no such file or directory" Description I opened my Vivado project using a UNC path format on Windows. However, if I try to run any of the flows I receive an error...
export ARCH=armsource /home/Vivado/2014.4/settings64.shbash: /home/Vivado/2014.4/settings64.sh: No such file or directory 我的主目录中有Vivado文件。 浏览0提问于2015-10-02得票数 -1 回答已采纳 1回答 从mingw运行的Python子进程找不到二进制文件 ...
Second step : in cygwin i sourced vivado using : Third step : after getting to my target path call the make function: but as you can see i got error : tac: cannot open `'' for reading: No such file or directory lib was unexpected at this time. ...