当你点击它之后,上面工具倒数第3个像个波形一样的是选择抓取时钟的(就是采样这个信号的时钟频率,如果抓取频率小于信号变化频率,抓取就没价值了),一般系统会自己匹配,但是比如在对工程中clk信号本身进行抓包时,需要自己进行选择了。 9.sample of data depth就是抓多长,下面这个我用的时候没动过,感兴趣可以查查,下面...
Knowledge 标题 62553 - Vivado - ERROR: [Common 17-258] Couldn't open 'libX11.so.6': 'libX11.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory' Description I am using a Linux machine without X11 and trying to run Vivado in batch mode: ...
application-specific initialization failed: couldn't load file "librdi_commontasks.so": libtinfo.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Solution This can occur if certain packages were not installed as part of the installation of the tools. Please refer to the Vitis in...
60280 - 2014.1 Vivado - Vivado runs fail for a project opened using a UNC path: "couldn't read file "<design>.tcl": no such file or directory" Description I opened my Vivado project using a UNC path format on Windows. However, if I try to run any of the flows I receive an error...
2015-06-08 18:31:01 你好,我在用zybo板做这个gpio实验室时候,为什么在Include "xutil.h"文件就报错,报错说 no such file or directory。想请你帮忙解答下。 注释掉这个include就可以编译通过,但是上板只是打印Start of the Program ,没有后面的dip的状态显示...
当我将-fopenmp标志添加到编译链中时,会得到以下错误: arm-xilinx-linux-gnueabi-gcc: error: libgomp.spec: No such file or directory 我不知道编译器应该在哪里查找这个文件。在libgomp.spec上使用locate显示: locate libgomp.spec /home/Xilinx/Vivado_HLS/2014.4/lnx32/tools/gcc/lib/libgomp.spec /usr/lib...
tar ef_files_v202step1_vivado": no such file or directory cd C:/Users/hankf/Downloads/3-VitisEmbdPfm-Versal-lab.tar/ref_files_v202/step1_vivado dir WARNING: [Common 17-259] Unknown Tcl command 'dir' sending command to the OS shell for execution. It is recommended to use 'exec' ...
can resolve issues of a missing clock coming from an IP by adding a constraint to your top level XDC timing constraints file. This could be the case when working with an XPS design where there are no XDC files present for some of the IPs that could be creating a clock, such as a GT...
56676 - DocNav 14.6/Vivado 2013.2 - "docnav: error while loading shared libraries: libQtWebKit.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory..." Description Documentation Navigator (DocNav) 14.6/Vivado 2013.2 was installed on the RHEL 6 64-bit Linux OS the same way as ...
Sep 23, 2021 Knowledge Title 62553 - Vivado - ERROR: [Common 17-258] Couldn't open 'libX11.so.6': 'libX11.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory' Description I am using a Linux machine without X11 and trying to run Vivado in batch mode: ...