@yaelg,尝试使用不同的实现策略。还要在挂起器挂起时检查机器内存消耗。--Syed --- ---...
place_design phase4.1使用vivado2017.2.1无法找到存档错误 在vivado2017.2.1的place_design phase4.1中找不到存档错误。这是日志声明 shuoabtian2018-11-07 11:36:11 Vivado2017.1错误:[约束18-4613]找不到功能PartialReconfiguration的有效许可证 嗨,我正在尝试使用“”Vivado2017.1进行部分重新配置教程。系统版“”尝...
I could not make the simple design, but in order to solve it in the following order.1. I ...
place_design命令完整的语法格式为: place_design [-directive] [-no_timing_driven] [-quiet] [-verbose] 更详细的参数说明,详见Xilinx提供的实现手册。 第四步:在“Vivado%”提示符后输入“phys_opt_design”命令,对设计进行逻辑优化。 更详细的参数说明,详见Xilinx提供的实现手册。
ERROR:[Place 30-574] Poor placement for routing between an IO pin and BUFG. If this sub optimal condition is acceptable for this design, you may use the CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE constraint in the .xdc file to demote this message to a WARNING. However, the use of this override is highly di...
然后我绘制了一个涵盖 slice_x0y0:slice_x9y4 的 pblock,希望这些实例完全适合该区域。 但在place_design 中出现了以下错误: ERROR: [Place 30-499] Multi-column shapes placement failed. Failed to commit 5 or more multi-column (RPM) shapes. ...
Implementation 9月 23, 2021 Knowledge 标题 AR# 62942: Vivado - place_design Windows crash at "Commit Most Macros & LUTRAMs" Description 当在Windows 7 系统上使用 Vivado 2014.3 运行执行时, place_design 阶段会发生崩溃,出现以下信息: --- Time (s): cpu = 00:01:56 ; elapsed = 00:01:17 ....
但Bitgen 的 DRC 要求 IS_LOC_FIXED 属性设置为 TRUE。 因此,您需要在使用以下命令后再读取约束文件,以便在运行 place_design 后恢复 IS_LOC_FIXED TRUE 属性: read_xdc <IO_Constraints_filename>.xdc 然后运行 route_design 继续进行 bitstream 生成。
In Vivado 2016.4, during implementation, Vivado hangs indefinitely or crashes after the place_design command is run: Phase 4.1 Post Commit Optimization INFO: [Timing 38-35] Done setting XDC timing constraints. This issue did not occur until Vivado 2016.3. ...