opt_design 示例脚本(对内存中的设计执行逻辑优化,并在过程中重写设计。完成优化后,它还会写入一个设计检查点,并生成一个时序概要报告,将报告写入到指定的文件中) opt_design -directive AddRemap write_checkpoint -force $outputDir/post_opt report_timing_summary -file $outputDir/post_opt_timing_summary.rpt ...
without changing anything) to see if this one also gives me error and it did. The same error...
使用以下tcl命令将多线程选项更改为1后,是否可以尝试运行opt_design:set_param general.maxThreads 1 ...
7.编辑各种实施步骤的选项: •设计初始化(init_Design) •Opt设计(Opt_Design) •电源选择设计(Power_Opt_Design)(可选) •场所设计(场所设计) •放置后电源选择设计(Power_Opt_Design)(可选) •放置后物理选项设计(Phys_Opt_Design)(可选) •路线设计(Route_Design) •路由后物理选择设计(Phys...
opt_design failedERROR: [Chipscope 16-119] Implementing debug core dbg_hub failed.ERROR: An unknown error has occurred while implementing debug cores in this design. OR ERROR: [IP_Flow 19-3805] Failed to generate and synthesize debug IP "xilinx.com:ip:xsdbm:1.0".ERROR: [IP_Flow 19-167...
A Versal DFX design using two Reconfigurable Partitions (RPs) initially has the parent implementation run complete successfully.When the child implementation is launched, where only one of the RPs is a grey box, the following error is reported during opt_design: Phase 5...
58616 - Vivado - 调试 opt_design 裁剪 Description 如何对 opt_design 的 sweep 和 propconst 阶段内发生的优化进行追踪? Solution 步骤1 从已打开、已综合并已启用所有消息传递的设计运行 opt_design。 使用verbose 选项。 运行opt_design 前设置以下参数: ...
对设计运行布局、逻辑优化、写设计布局检查点和生成时序总结报告。对设计进行布局和逻辑优化,以及进行分析的步骤如下所示。 第一步:在“Vivado%”提示符后输入“opt_design”命令,对设计进行优化。 opt_design命令完整的语法格式为: opt_design [-retarget] [-propconst] [-sweep] [-bram_power_opt] [-remap]...
opt_design failedERROR: [Chipscope 16-119] Implementing debug core dbg_hub failed.ERROR: An unknown error has occurred while implementing debug cores in this design. OR ERROR: [IP_Flow 19-3805] Failed to generate and synthesize debug IP "xilinx.com:ip:xsdbm:1.0".ERROR: [IP_Flow 19-167...
This pin has either been left unconnected in the design or the connection was removed due to the trimming of unused logic. The LUT cell name is: sub_inst/temp_ab_inferred_i_1. The error could also specify a different LUT primitive such as a LUT3 or LUT6, or a different LUT input ...