opt_design语法: opt_design [-retarget] [-propconst] [-sweep] [-bram_power_opt] [-remap] [-aggressive_remap] [-resynth_area] [-resynth_seq_area] [-directive <arg>] [-muxf_remap] [-hier_fanout_limit <arg>] [-bufg_opt] [-mbufg_opt] [-shift_register_opt] [-dsp_register_opt]...
write_edif "write_edif ./clock_gen_vbw_2.edf". This looked to work with the given design ...
A Versal DFX design using two Reconfigurable Partitions (RPs) initially has the parent implementation run complete successfully.When the child implementation is launched, where only one of the RPs is a grey box, the following error is reported during opt_design: Phase 5 ...
使用以下tcl命令将多线程选项更改为1后,是否可以尝试运行opt_design:set_param general.maxThreads 1 ...
•路线设计(Route_Design) •路由后物理选择设计(Phys_Opt_Design)(可选) •写入比特流(Write_Bitstream)(除Versal外的所有设备) •写入设备映像(Write_Device_Image)(Versal设备) 提示:选择一个选项可在“设计运行设置”底部查看该选项的简要说明对话框。
58616 - Vivado - 调试 opt_design 裁剪 Description 如何对 opt_design 的 sweep 和 propconst 阶段内发生的优化进行追踪? Solution 步骤1 从已打开、已综合并已启用所有消息传递的设计运行 opt_design。 使用verbose 选项。 运行opt_design 前设置以下参数: set_param messaging.defaultLimit 100000 步骤2关闭优化...
69320 - 2017.x Vivado - Design fails in opt_design with a black-box error for a module implemented in a conditional statement (using generic or parameter value) Description I am synthesizing and implementing my design in Vivado 2017.1 and it fails in opt_design. ...
opt_design [-retarget] [-propconst] [-sweep] [-bram_power_opt] [-remap] [-resynth_area] [-directive] [-quiet] [-verbose] 更详细的参数说明,详见Xilinx提供的实现手册。 第二步:在“Vivado%”提示符后输入“power_opt_design”命令,对功耗进行优化。
注意:动态顶层文件不能是 IP,DCP 或者 EDIF。如果暂时没有动态部分的逻辑,这里允许选择黑盒文件。(在后续的 opt_design 步骤之前,需要用网表或者灰盒填充这个黑盒)。 在这里的例子中,同一个 Module 被例化了两次,不管是哪一个 Instance 被定义成 Partition, 这两个 Instance 都会变成 RP。如果实际只需要一个...
将AAA模块所有的信号连接好以后,在imp阶段就报错了,出现了Opt 31-67错误。[Opt 31-67] Problem: A LUT6 cell in the design is missing a connection on input pin I5, which is used by the LUT equation. This pin has either been left unconnected in the design or the connection was removed due...