ERROR: [Place 30-487] The packing of instances into a set of slices defined by a pblock constraint could not be obeyed. Please analyze your design to determine if the pblock can be resized or the number of LUTs, FFs, and/or control sets can be reduced.ERROR: [Place 30-94] Place ...
2. ERROR: [Common 17-55] 'add_files' failed: cannot open file 这种错误通常是由于文件路径不正确或者文件名不正确导致添加文件失败。需要检查文件路径和文件名是否与实际情况相符。 3. ERROR: [Place 30-699] Instance <module_name> cannot be placed because it could not be legally placed 在进行布局...
data_ff_1通过上述分配,放置器发出以下错误,错误表示Laguna Tx寄存器而不是Rx寄存器.ERROR:[Place 30...
I am seeing the the below place error in vivado 2016.3 ERROR: [Place 30-675] Sub-optimal ...
ERROR: [Place 30-876] Port 'clk' is assigned to PACKAGE_PIN 'G14' which can only be used as the N side of a differential clock input. Please use the following constraint(s) to pass this DRC check: set_property CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE FALSE [get_nets {clk_IBUF_inst/O}] ...
ERROR: [Place 30-137] Unroutable Placement! A GT / BUFR component pair is not placed in a routable site pair. The GT component can use the dedicated path between the GT and the BUFR if both are placed in the same clock region. If this sub optimal condition is acceptable for this desig...
最近遇到一个现象,以前可以编译通过的工程,修改之后发现Synthesis编译报错,而且没有给出error信息,以前也出现过无故place 失败但是没有给出error信息的现象,查看错误日志输出文件,出现# # An unexpected error has occurred (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION) #
ERROR: [Place 30-177] Unroutable Placement! There are more clocks in the clock region than the maximum number of allowed clocks per clock region. Displaying only the first 20 drivers as list of drivers is too long emc/ecg/U0/mmcm_adv_inst (MMCME2_ADV.CLKIN1) is provisionally placed by...
70059 - Vivado 2017.3 [Place 30-99] Placer failed with error: 'Design has un-associated IO delay instances' Description When migrating a Vivado design from 2017.2 to 2017.3, the following error in IDELAYCTRL replication is seen: Phase 1.2 IO Placement/ Clock Placement/ Build Placer Device ...