如果引脚是IP核(知识产权核)内部的,并且IP核在综合阶段被当作黑盒子处理,导致Vivado 12-508错误(即“No pins matched”),这通常意味着在综合阶段,Vivado无法看到或访问IP核内部的引脚信息,因此无法将这些引脚与你的设计约束(如XDC文件中的引脚分配)进行匹配。 为了解决这个问题,你可以采取以下步骤: 确认IP核的集成...
get_cells -hier B/* WARNING: [Vivado 12-180] No cells matched 'B/*'. #逐层查找目标对象,获取b开头的单元 get_cells -hier b* B/b1 B/b2 3、借助对象特定属性查找 每个对象都有自己的属性,可在属性窗口中查看。其中一个重要的属性是NAME,通过该属性可筛选出期望的对象。 例如,利用FPGA自带CPU例程...
WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched ' '.[<XDC_file_path_and_name>.xdc:<line_number>] CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object.[<XDC_file_path_and_name>.xdc:<line_number>] Solution 该警告...
WARNING: [Vivado 12-3731] No sites matched 'RPM_X == 191 && RPM_Y == 206' [c:/picxo_v22/picxo_v22/pre_opt.tcl:211] can't read "X": no such variable CRITICAL WARNING: [Designutils 20-964] Command failed: can't read "X": no such variable. [c:/picxo_v22/picxo_v22/pre...
WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched ' '.[<XDC_file_path_and_name>.xdc:<line_number>] CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object.[<XDC_file_path_and_name>.xdc:<line_number>] Solution 该警告...
ef_files_v202step1_vivado": no such file or directory cd C:/Users/hankf/Downloads/3-VitisEmbdPfm-Versal-lab.tar/ref_files_v202/step1_vivado dir WARNING: [Common 17-259] Unknown Tcl command 'dir' sending command to the OS shell for execution. It is recommended to use 'exec' to se...
[Vivado 12-627] No clocks matched 'sys_clk'...[timing.xdc:37](63 more like this) A:对于约束的问题,我们可以在Vivado的tcl中先执行一下这些约束指令,如果有问题的话会报出来的,然后就再将指令拆开执行,看是不是指令中的...再补充几点关于Pblock的知识,可能大家容易忽略的:在画了Pblock后,只能保证mo...
All of the processing is done in memory, so no files or reports are generated automatically. Each time you compile the design, you must define all of the sources, set all tool and design configuration parameters, launch all implementation commands, and generate report files. This can be ...
no files matched glob patterns "type -f D:/test.mmi" I tryed write_mem_info -force D:/test.mmi ERROR: [Common 17-69] Command failed: Failed to create the: D:/test.mmi The design contains processors. Verify processor instances and connectivity. Version of Vivado is 2017.3 Expand Post ...
[Vivado 12-180] No cells matched 'inst_ps7_subsystem/aurora_ctrl_0/U0/q_*_meta1*'. ["<path>.xdc":101]But there are matched cells after the synthesis (int the Tcl console): How can I get all cells that ends with 'meta1'? How can I get a list of false paths (after synthesis...