chip2chip_clk_gen_inst/bufg_inst (BUFG) is not placedERROR: [Place 30-68] Instance ctoc/...
Place [30-68] Instance IBUF_184 (IBUF) is not placed.Please let me know where I am wrong, ...
ERROR: [Place 30-69] Instance xdma_app_i/led_2_obuf (OBUF drives I/O terminal xdma_app_i/leds[2]) is unplaced after IO placer ERROR: [Place 30-68] Instance xdma_app_i/led_2_obuf (OBUF) is not placed ERROR: [Place 30-99] Placer failed with error: 'IO Clock Placer failed' ...
Check the IS_FIXED property of the BUFG instance to find this out. If the IS_FIXED property is set it means that it is locked by user constraints. If this is the case, modify the constraints so that the I/O port and BUFG get placed in same clock region. ...
This connection is not available from the output of an IOB register which makes this FF ineligible for IOB packing. The below messaging should be seen with this type of connection: [Shape Builder 18-132] Instance dout_reg has IOB = TRUE property, but it cannot be placed in an OLOGIC ...
ERROR: Could not generate core for dbg_hub. Aborting IP Generation operation. ERROR: [Chipscope 16-218] An error occurred while trying to create or get a cached instance from the IP cache manager: "IP generation failed see log file in f:/Company_Prj/Date201509/xilinx_ics_100t/xilinx_wire...
When Vivado detects IP core XCI files live in a shared output directory (for example, in a remote IP flow), it locks the IP core and provides instructions to move the instance to a unique output directory to unlock. URL 名称 59525 ...
This connection is not available from the output of an IOB register which makes this FF ineligible for IOB packing. The below messaging should be seen with this type of connection: [Shape Builder 18-132] Instance dout_reg has IOB = TRUE property, but it cannot be placed in an OLOGIC site...
(Answer Record 71466)ERROR: [Place 30-69] Instance xdma_app_i/led_2_obuf (OBUF drives I/O terminal xdma_app_i/leds[2]) is unplaced after IO placer (Answer Record 000035356)Reading IRQ Block User Vector Number Registers in Simulation results in 'X' ...
u5_adc_module/u1_IBUFGDS_inst (IBUFDS.O) is locked to IOB_X1Y146 and u5_adc_module/u1_BUFG_inst (BUFG.I) is provisionally placed by clockplacer on BUFGCTRL_X0Y31 该问题的解决办法:set_property CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE FALSE [get_nets u5_adc_module/adc1_in_clk_in][Drc 23-20] Rule ...