# Minimum source latency value for clock sysClk (for both Slow and Fast corners) set_clock_latency -source -early 0.2 [get_clocks sysClk] # Maximum source latency value for clock sysClk (for both Slow and Fast corners) set_clock_latency -source -late 0.5 [get_clocks sysClk] 1.5.1 C...
在Vivado中,使用Synthesis综合后点击“Open Synthesized Design”或implementation 布线后点击“Open Implementation Design”,查看主时钟的方式有以下两种(TCL Console输入TCL命令): 1、方式1(report_clock_networks ) TCL指令:report_clock_networks -name mainclock 2、方式2(check_timing ) TCL指令:check_timing -over...
- Timed - No Common Primary Clock - Timed - No Common Period - MaxDelay DataPath for the case where at least 1 path is covered by a set_max_delay -datapath_only constraint and all other paths are covered by false path constraints • Endpoints: the number of CDC path endpoints identifie...
Figure 14: Finding Regional Clocks with No Loads Tcl Command Example for Finding Regional Clocks with No Loads show_objects -name regionalClocks_noLoads [get_nets -hierarchical -filter { TYPE == "REGIONAL_CLOCK" && ROUTE_STATUS =~ "NOLOADS" }] UG893 (v2020.2) January 28, 2021 Using the...
○ Timed - No Common Primary Clock ○ Timed - No Common Period ○ MaxDelay DataPath for the case where at least 1 path is covered by a set_max_delay -datapath_only constraint and all other paths are covered by false path constraints • Endpoints: The number of CDC path endpoints identi...
UG945 (v2022.1) June 8, 2022 Using Constraints Send Feedback www.xilinx.com 30 Lab 1: Defining Timing Constraints and Exceptions In the Clock Interaction report, unsafe means there is no common primary clock (no known phase relationship), or no common node (uncommon scenario that results in...
Ifclocksarecreated,theyarecedontheboundarypinsoftheIPblackboxcell.Theclock canbeofthefollowingtypes: °AprimaryclockonaninputportoftheIP(suchastheClockingWizardIP) °AprimaryclockonanoutputportoftheIP °AgeneratedclockonanoutputportoftheIPwiththemasterbeinganinputclock (suchastheClockingWizardIP) Aclockwoul...
In AMD devices, the base reconfigurable frames are one element (CLB, block RAM, DSP) wide by one clock region high. The number of resources in these frames vary by device family. Internal Configuration Access Port (ICAP) The internal configuration access port (ICAP) is essentially an internal...
Possible options are: Common Clock block RAM and Common Clock Distributed RAM. The XPM_FIFO_AXIS macro will be inferred or implemented when the design is compiled. For information on the XPM_FIFO_AXIS Xilinx Parameterized Macro (XPM), refer to UltraScale Architecture Libraries Guide (UG974). ...