12)同样的,将seg7decimal IP的clr、a_to_g、an、dp这4个引脚,以及clock IP的clk_in1引脚,以及任意一个74ls90 IP的r9_1引脚make external。 13)修改端口名,双击端口‘r9_1’,在左侧的External Port Properties窗格中将其命名为GND。 14)同样的,将‘clk_in1’更名为‘clk’,‘dout[7:0]’更名为‘JC[...
第九步:将鼠标光标移动到gate_0 IP端口z[5:0]的引出线上,单击鼠标右键,出现浮动菜单。在浮动菜单内,执行菜单命令【Make External...】。 第十步:如图所示,选中名字为“a_0”的端口,在左侧的“External Port Properties”窗口中,通过“Name:”右侧的文本框,将该端口的名字改为“a”。类似地,将名字为“b_0...
12) 同样的,将seg7decimal IP的clr、a_to_g、an、dp这4个引脚,以及clock IP的clk_in1引脚,以及任意一个74ls90 IP的r9_1引脚make external。 13) 修改端口名,双击端口‘r9_1’,在左侧的External Port Properties窗格中将其命名为GND。 14) 同样的,将‘clk_in1’更名为‘clk’,‘dout[7:0]’更名为...
12) 同样的,将seg7decimal IP的clr、a_to_g、an、dp这4个引脚,以及clock IP的clk_in1引脚,以及任意一个74ls90 IP的r9_1引脚make external。 13) 修改端口名,双击端口‘r9_1’,在左侧的External Port Properties窗格中将其命名为GND。 14) 同样的,将‘clk_in1’更名为‘clk’,‘dout[7:0]’更名为...
You can rename these connections by selecting them and changing the name in the External Port Properties window.Select the external connection port named wr_clk.In the External Port Properties window, in the Name field of the General tab, type the name clk_rx and press Enter. Similarly, ...
0ZYNQ7 Process ing System建立工程建立工程对外部的接口 和总线町以点 击模块总线接 后,拖动一下, 然后点击右键, 选择make external 为总 线提供外部端 口,选择creat port为总线或 者单个信号线 添加外部接口。 12、tnci.ru 久 cl :0:4uc.ic4et.inper lpl:rMl_ru4ct(l;Ciitcconivet_iircicui(l:0!t...
Right click on the “CLK_IN_D” input of the utility buffer and select “Make External”, then change the name of the created external port to “ref_clk” using the External Interface Properties window. Add the Processor System Resets ...
Perform the same operation to FCLK_RESET0_N and change thePort nameto ARESETN. 9) Right-click the M00_AXI port and selectExternal Interface Properties. 10) Click theGeneraltab, choose "ACLK" asClock Port. This is required to enable IP Integrator to understand the clock frequency of the ...
Now, sys_diff_clk and reset are connected to external ports. Examine the connectivity of the design and notice that it might be necessary to monitor AXI transactions between the JTAG to AXI master and the AXI BRAM Controller slave. This is possible if a System ILA is added to probe the ...
.TCL.POST. These properties allow the user to specify where a Tcl script is executed in the flow when using the run infrastructure. See Defining Tcl Hook Scripts, page 20 for additional information. Because the implementation run is executed in a separate Vivado session, all the Tcl variables...