如果许可证列为 Design_Linking,但您拥有有效的许可证,且该许可证已正确安装并显示在 Vivado License Manager (VLM) 中,那么可能 Vivado 无法检测此 IP 核许可证的位置。 建议将 XILINXD_LICENSE_FILE 环境变量设置为指向默认位置 %APPDATA%.Xilinx(通常在 Windows 上此位置为 C:.Xilinx,或者在 Linux 上此位置...
From the shared snapshot I see that you have Desig_Linking License for JESD204 IP which is ...
VENDOR_STRING=License_Type:Design_Linking HOSTID=ANY \ ISSUER=TBE TS_OK FEATURE xps_ethernetlite_v1 xilinxd 1.0 permanent uncounted \ 0DCC01521040 VENDOR_STRING=License_Type:Bought HOSTID=ANY \ ISSUER=TBE TS_OK FEATURE xps_flexray_v1 xilinxd 1.0 permanent uncounted AA37F2812760 \ VENDOR_S...
valid (at least until December 2013). The license manager shows an IP:Design_Linking license ...
VENDOR_STRING=License_Type:Design_Linking;ipman,xps_can,ip,permanent,_0_0_0 \ HOSTID=ANY ...
foreach i [get_ipdefs] {if {[llength [get_property LICENSE_KEYS $i\\]] >= 2} then {puts "[llength [get_property LICENSE_KEYS $i\\]] --- $i"}} Having a Design linking (Simulation) or hardware evaluation license will not be sufficient to enable caching of an IP. This issue ...
Preparing the XSI Functions for Dynamic Linking Writing the Test Bench Code Compiling Your C/C++ Program Preparing the Design Shared Library XSI Function Reference xsi_close xsi_get_error_info xsi_get_port_number xsi_get_status xsi_get_value xsi_open xsi_put_value xsi_restart...
Hi there, I have a project for ZedBoard (Zynq Z7C020) under Vivado 2013.2. I run the sythesis, open the sythesized design and quickly look at the netlist which seems to be ok. I run the implementation afterwards and some logi
Evaluation cores found in this design: IP core 'ten_gig_eth_pcs_pma_0' (ten_gig_eth_pcs_pma_wrapper) was generated using a design_linking license. Why does the tool issue this message about the 10G BASE-R core even though the license is free? Solution As stated on page...
which the tri_mode_eth_mac core has version 9, Rev 9, it shows as a design linking license...