如果许可证列为 Design_Linking,但您拥有有效的许可证,且该许可证已正确安装并显示在 Vivado License Manager (VLM) 中,那么可能 Vivado 无法检测此 IP 核许可证的位置。 建议将 XILINXD_LICENSE_FILE 环境变量设置为指向默认位置 %APPDATA%.Xilinx(通常在 Windows 上此位置为 C:.Xilinx,或者在 Linux 上此位置...
From the shared snapshot I see that you have Desig_Linking License for JESD204 IP which is ...
VENDOR_STRING=License_Type:Design_Linking;ipman,xps_can,ip,permanent,_0_0_0 \ HOSTID=ANY ISSUER=TBE TS_OK INCREMENT xps_ethernetlite xilinxd 2010.12 permanent uncounted \ 98C63ECABD43 \ VENDOR_STRING=License_Type:Bought;ipman,xps_ethernetlite,ip,permanent,_0_0_0 \ HOSTID=ANY ISSUER=TBE ...
70026 - 2017.3 Vivado IP Flows - IP cores with multiple license features are not cached Description When I synthesize my design, all of the IP cores are added to the IP cache apart from one or two (for example, a 10G Ethernet IP core). Why are these IP cores not cached when all of...
VENDOR_STRING=License_Type:Design_Linking;ipman,xps_can,ip,permanent,_0_0_0 \ HOSTID=ANY ...
Preparing the XSI Functions for Dynamic Linking Writing the Test Bench Code Compiling Your C/C++ Program Preparing the Design Shared Library XSI Function Reference xsi_close xsi_get_error_info xsi_get_port_number xsi_get_status xsi_get_value xsi_open xsi_put_value xsi_restart...
Could that be an incorrect I/O contraints or anything related to the processing system, license or whatever? I am attaching the synthesis log (system_stub.rds) and implementation log files (system_stub.rdi). Thank you in advance! Ondrej ...
https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx2017_2/ug973-vivado-release-notes-install-license.pdf Hence can you please try using supported OS and try passing “-cc gcc” to xelab and see if this helps. Thanks & Regards, Sravanthi B --- Please mark the appropria...
which the tri_mode_eth_mac core has version 9, Rev 9, it shows as a design linking license...