## An unexpected error has occurred (11)#Stack:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x354b0) ...
error log:# # An unexpected error has occurred (11)# Stack:/lib64/libpthread.so.0 [0x3b0060...
cat: write error: Broken pipe segfault in /proj/xbuilds/.../Vitis/2023.1/bin/unwrapped/lnx64.o/vitis_analyzer -exec vitis_analyzer mm2s.xo.compile_summ 栈包含如下内容: # An unexpected error has occurred (11) # Stack: libjvm.so(+0xc738aa) [0x7f780e7fe8aa] libjvm.so(JVM_handle_li...
While the IP is updating I get an unexpected error similar to the following: An unexpected error has occurred (11)#Stack:/Installs/Vivado/2016.1/tps/lnx64/jre/lib/amd64/server/libjvm.so [0x2ada00567b39]/Installs/Vivado/2016.1/tps/lnx64/jre/lib/amd64/server/libjvm.so(JVM_handle_linux...
When starting Vivado by clicking its logo icon or in terminal command-line mode, Vivado crashes after a short while with the following error log: start_gui # An unexpected error has occurred (11) # Stack: /home/<user_name>/projects/Xilinx/Vivado/2017.4/tps/lnx64/jre/lib/amd64/server/lib...
Parent process (pid 447304) has died. This helper process will now exit The stack trace from the hs_err.log file is this # # An unexpected error has occurred (6) # Stack: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x43090) [0x7f0d56006090] /lib/x86_...
# # An unexpected error has occurred (11) # Stack: /home/vivado/vivado201604/Vivado/2016.4/tps/lnx64/jre/lib/amd64/server/libjvm.so(+0x91ab39) [0x7fb82b4e3b39] /home/vivado/vivado201604/Vivado/2016.4/tps/lnx64/jre/lib/amd64/server/libjvm.so(JVM_handle_linux_signal+0xb6) [0x7fb...
7. Lines 68-70: Check if any error has occurred. Typically, some additional code to check the validity of the arguments should happen before line 68. If there would be any error or, for example, incompatibility between the command line options provided by the user, then the error variable...
7. Lines 68-70: Check if any error has occurred. Typically, some additional code to check the validity of the arguments should happen before line 68. If there would be any error or, for example, incompatibility between the command line options provided by the user, then the error variable...
Next steps: If anybody has time, please put together a minimal test case and report it on the Xilinx forums. We also need to document that 2019.1 doesn't work. Sorry, something went wrong. tjaychenassignedrpenugoSep 17, 2019 tjaychenmentioned this issueSep 19, 2019 ...