systems in west coast and east coast. I'm getting "Authentication error: An unknown exception ...
When trying to run the installer for either SDK or Vivado, I get "Authentication error: An unknown exception occurred. Please verify your user id and password and try again" I can log into the site and another co-worker can log into the site. We can download the installer but when we ...
When I try to add design files to my project, once I click “Add Files” or try to open a new project, Vivado will get an internal exception. It seems that whenever the relevant operation involves opening the file directory of the computer, it will get an internal exception.The detail i...
计算机硬件不行,vivad 2014.3至少需要64位,4GB内存。
ERROR: [Common 17-49] Internal Data Exception: File is XNG_UNKNOWN format '/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.2/data/./parts/xilinx/zynquplus/devint/zynquplus/xczu3eg/xczu3eg.xng' ERROR: [IP_Flow 19-3476] Tcl error in create_gui procedure for BD Cell 'design_1_clk_wiz_0_0'. ERROR: [IP_...