条件必须用Tcl命令添加,示例如下: add_condition #命令模板 add_condition {reset == 1 && clk == 1} {puts “Reset went to high”; stop} #当clk与reset同时为高暂停仿真,控制台打印消息输出 遇到条件断点并暂停后,只有等到下一个仿真命令才会继续运行仿真。 将对象强制到特定值 Vivado Simulator提供了Force...
条件必须用Tcl命令添加,示例如下: add_condition#命令模板 add_condition {reset == 1 && clk == 1} {puts “Reset went to high”; stop} #当clk与reset同时为高暂停仿真,控制台打印消息输出 遇到条件断点并暂停后,只有等到下一个仿真命令才会继续运行仿真。 将对象强制到特定值 Vivado Simulator提供了Force...
reg [2:0] condition1; always @(condition1) begin case(condition1) 4 : data_out = 2; // Generates faulty logic 未声明4的位宽,而condition1的位宽为3 3'd4 : data_out = 2; // Does work endcase end //拼接语句 reg [31:0] temp; assign temp = 4'b1111 % 2; //未确定位宽的运算...
COUT = (A&B) | (A&CIN) | (B&CIN); ADD = {COUT, S}; end endfunction assign S0 = ADD (A[0], B[0], CIN), S1 = ADD (A[1], B[1], S0[1]), S2 = ADD (A[2], B[2], S1[1]), S3 = ADD (A[3], B[3], S2[1]), S = {S3[0], S2[0], S1[0], S0[0...
(我木得板子,此处无图),在调试窗口,找到“basic trigger setup”对话框,在debug probes窗口找到inst_fifo1/rd_en,inst_fifo1/wr_en拖入“basic trigger setup”窗口,将inst_fifo1/rd_en,inst_fifo1/wr_en比较值设为1,单击OR图示图标,执行set trigger condition to Global OR。然后找到ILA Properties,单击运行...
add $a1, $a0, $zero addi $t1, $zero, 0 inner_loop: sub $t7, $t0, $t2 beq $t1, $t7, done_inner_loop lw $t3, 0($a1) lw $t4, 4($a1) slt $t8, $t3, $t4 beq $t8, $zero, no_swap sw $t4, 0($a1) sw $t3, 4($a1) ...
4 : data_out = 2; // Generates faulty logic 未声明4的位宽,而condition1的位宽为3 3'd4 : data_out = 2; // Does work endcase end //拼接语句 reg [31:0] temp; assign temp = 4'b1111 % 2; //未确定位宽的运算用临时信号存储 ...
4、 把约束文件.xdc内关于DEGUG core的信息全部删除后保存,再运行软件,弹出的界面话询问是save,还是load. 5、 在运行程序的时候点击,就会停止运行,所以一般不要点。 [Place 30-574] Poor placement for routing between an IO pin and BUFG. If this sub optimal condition is acceptable for this design, you...
I must use “Add Files” to add them to the project. 3- IP Packager problem Consider I have a variable that it should be editable in some condition and fixed or dependent in other condition. In the IP Packager, I set the “Editable” filed into the “Dependent” and set a condition ...
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.addConditionWaiter(AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.java:1855)at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.awaitNanos(AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.java:2068)at javax.swing.TimerQueue.run(TimerQueue.java:192)at java.lang....