在Vivado设计环境中,遇到错误代码[vivado 12-1411] cannot set loc property of ports, the positive port (p-side)通常与试图为FPGA设计中的某些端口(特别是差分对端口的一部分)设置物理位置(loc属性)时出现的问题相关。以下是对这一问题的详细分析和建议解决方案: 1. 理解错误代码[vivado 12-1411]的含义 该错...
消息:[Vivado 12-1411]无法设置端口的LOC属性,非法在站点HPIOBDIFFOUTBUF_X0Y79上放置实例xxx / IBUFDS / IBUFDS_0 / DIFFINBUF_INST。位置 haikitty 2018-11-08 11:28:44 为什么Vivado 12-1411无法在PCIe端口上设置端口的LOC属性警告消防员? 连接了PCI Express外部端口。临界警告按摩是“[Vivado 12-1411]...
严重警告是:[Vivado 12-1411]无法设置端口的LOC属性,非法在站点HPIOBDIFFOUTBUF_X0Y69上放置实例xxx...
[Vivado 12-1411]无法设置端口的LOC属性,无法找到具有以下元素的形状的有效bel:CLK_PU_RefClk / IBUF...
I got three critical warnings about setting pins. port reset_0 can not be placed ... because it is occupied by port reset port sys_ clock can not be placed ... because it is occupied by port sys_clock_1 port reset_0 can not be placed ... because it is oc
我在CZ7020-484引脚FPGA上出现了时钟放置错误。我们在引脚V4,V5上放置了一个bufgds(差分时钟输入)通过BUFIO时钟缓冲器。Vivado抱怨错误消息12-1411说bufgds的位置与bufio的位置有冲突。我不知道如何解决这个问题。 sombody可以提供一些提示吗? iujwers2020-05-21 14:06:55 ...
Knowledge 标题 60705 - Vivado - Wrong IPI buffer does not allow LOC constraint to apply Description When running an IPI design through Implementation, the following message is received: [Vivado 12-1411] Cannot set LOC property of ports, Terminal PCIe_Clk_N has conflicting location from shape exp...
将可配置满标记阈值设为 10,由仿真结果,当wr_data_count数到10时,prog_full拉高,实际上,wr_data_count 有两个时钟周期的延迟,因此,此时写入的是第12个数据 almost empty、 empty 、underflow:rd_en 为高电平时,并没有立即开始读出,这点与写入不同,直到下一个读时钟周期,dout 才输出读的第一个数据,同时 ...
always #10 {a,b,c}={a,b,c}+1;endmodule 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 4.运行仿真。点击左侧的Run Simulation 选择Run Behavioral Simulation ,查看仿真结果。 后面因为没有板子没有进行下载验证,以后再说。
// Tcl Message: INFO: [Vivado 12-5682] Launching behavioral simulation in 'D:/FPGAdemo/CPUdemo_4/CPUdemo_4.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim' INFO: [SIM-utils-51] Simulation object is 'sim_1' INFO: [SIM-utils-72] Using boost library from 'D:/Xilinx/Vivado/2022.2/tps/boost_1_72_0' INFO:...