在Vivado设计环境中,遇到错误代码[vivado 12-1411] cannot set loc property of ports, the positive port (p-side)通常与试图为FPGA设计中的某些端口(特别是差分对端口的一部分)设置物理位置(loc属性)时出现的问题相关。以下是对这一问题的详细分析和建议解决方案: 1. 理解错误代码[vivado 12-1411]的含义 该错...
I have no idea what is causing this.The critical warning is:[Vivado 12-1411] Cannot set LOC ...
"[Vivado 12-1411] Cannot set LOC property of ports, Instance U_pcieip/...pcie4_uscale_plus_...
I got three critical warnings about setting pins. port reset_0 can not be placed ... because it is occupied by port reset port sys_ clock can not be placed ... because it is occupied by port sys_clock_1 port reset_0 can not be placed ... because it is oc
When running an IPI design through Implementation, the following message is received: [Vivado 12-1411] Cannot set LOC property of ports, Terminal PCIe_Clk_N has conflicting location from shape expansion (IPAD_X1Y46 FIXED) vs original (IPAD_X1Y45 FIXED, IPAD.PAD) ["C:/depot/Firmware/1025244...
CRITICAL WARNING: [Vivado 12-1411] Cannot set LOC property of ports, Illegal to place instance design_1_i/util_ds_buf_0/U0/USE_IBUFDS_GTE2.GEN_IBUFDS_GTE2[0].IBUFDS_GTE2_I on site AB8. The location site type does not match the instance type. [/project_1/project_1.srcs/sources_...
CRITICAL WARNING: [Vivado 12-2285] Cannot set LOC property of instance 'u_pd_main/u_core_top/...