Check that there isn'talready an issuethat reports the same bug to avoid creating a duplicate. Make sure this is a Vite issue and not a framework-specific issue. For example, if it's a Vue SFC related bug, it should likely be reported tovuejs/coreinstead. Check that this is a concre...
I have found simple solution to this problem -> according to the Storybook will not load your vite.config.ts, thus it will not load anything you have specified in your cofig files. As @akinorimizushima wrote the solution is to use viteFinal, but...
TheDEBUGenvironment variable can be used to figure out why this plugin isn't working as you may have expected. DEBUG=vite-tsconfig-paths yarn vite Also, check out theTroubleshootingwiki page for more guidance. Install npm ivite-tsconfig-paths ...
I removed that top-level block and it started working with manual aliases, this plugin still does not work. This comment was marked as spam. Sign in to view AlanBlanchetNeovision commented Sep 21, 2022 Any updates ? I have this config export default defineConfig({ plugins: [react(),...
Internally, globrex is used for glob matching. Troubleshooting The DEBUG environment variable can be used to figure out why this plugin isn't working as you may have expected. DEBUG=vite-tsconfig-paths yarn vite Also, check out the Troubleshooting wiki page for more guidance....
Vite import outside of package.json directory using tsconfig not working #10706 Closed 7 tasks wvhulle commented Feb 6, 2023 My solution: import tsconfig from "./tsconfig.json"; const tsconfigPathAliases = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(tsconfig.compilerOptions.paths).map(([key, values...
TheDEBUGenvironment variable can be used to figure out why this plugin isn't working as you may have expected. DEBUG=vite-tsconfig-paths yarn vite Also, check out theTroubleshootingwiki page for more guidance. Releases18 v5.1.3Latest