failed to load config from D:\0016--Vite--TypeScript-Paths\vite.config.ts error when starting dev server: Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find package'VitePlugins'imported from D:\0016--Vite--TypeScript-Paths\vite.config.ts.timestamp-1662805287895.mjs at new NodeError (node:internal/...
import { defineConfig } from "vite"; import react from "@vitejs/plugin-react"; import tsconfigPaths from "vite-tsconfig-paths"; export default defineConfig({ plugins: [react(), tsconfigPaths()], }); nor using viteFinal async viteFinal(config) { return mergeConfig(config, { plugins: [...
tsconfig.json {"compilerOptions":{"baseUrl":"./","typeRoots":["node_modules/@types",// 默认值"types"],"paths":{"@/*":["src/*"],"#/*":["types/*"]},"target":"ES2020","useDefineForClassFields":true,"module":"ESNext","lib":["ES2020","DOM","DOM.Iterable"],"skipLibChec...
TheDEBUGenvironment variable can be used to figure out why this plugin isn't working as you may have expected. DEBUG=vite-tsconfig-paths yarn vite Also, check out theTroubleshootingwiki page for more guidance. Install npm ivite-tsconfig-paths ...
|-根目录下 tsconfig.json 文件中配置 在compilerOptions中 //配置 @"baseUrl":".","paths": {"@/*": ["src/*"] } ### --- |-安装ViteCDN插件加速优化项目体积 npm install vite-plugin-cdn-import --save-dev ###
pnpm create analog@latest With Bun: bun create analog@latest With Yarn: yarn create analog Follow the prompts to scaffold the project and start the development server. Partners Sponsors Supporting Analog Star theGitHub Repo Join theDiscord
很多人以为这样就结束了;在js 文件中确实就已经可以用了; 但是在.vue 文件中还是不行,其实还需要在tsconfig.json里面配置对应的别名; 详情见 // tsconfig.json {"compilerOptions":{..."paths":{"@/*":["./src/*"],"views/*":["./src/views/*"],}}} ...
tsconfig.base.json chore: only enable source map for node code 5年前 yarn.lock fix: support options for template block preprocessor render (#641) 4年前 README MIT vite ⚡ Status Getting Started Using master branch Browser Support Features ...
Note that becauseesbuildonly performs transpilation without type information, it doesn't support certain features like const enum and implicit type-only imports. You must set"isolatedModules": truein yourtsconfig.jsonundercompilerOptionsso that TS will warn you against the features that do not work...
Vite (pronounced “veet”) is a newish JavaScript bundler. It comes batteries-included, requires almost no configuration to be useful, and includes plenty of