Notice that the plugin is placed in theresolve.pluginssection of the configuration.tsconfig-paths-webpack-pluginis a resolve plugin and should only be placed in this part of the configuration. Don't confuse this with the plugins array at the root of the webpack configuration object. If you'r...
Fix configFileName not working as expected, see Upgraded tsconfig-paths to 3.2.0 which includes the fix in 3.0.2- 2018-03-14 Fixed Upgraded tsconfig-paths to 3.1.3 which includes the fi...
ts-node -r tsconfig-paths/register main.ts Ifprocess.env.TS_NODE_PROJECTis set it will be used to resolved tsconfig.json With webpack For webpack please use thetsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin. With mocha and ts-node As of Mocha >= 4.0.0 the--compilerwasdeprecated. Instead--requireshould ...
Angular 项目目录中的 TSConfig 文件表明该目录是 TypeScript 或 JavaScript 项目的根目录。 TSConfig 文件可以是tsconfig.json或 jsconfig.json,两者都有相同的配置变量集。 我们直接来到 paths 字段: 这是一个对象,定义了一系列将导入(import)重新映射到相对于 baseUrl 的查找位置的条目。 所谓baseUrl,允许开发人员...
{ "ts-node": { // Do not forget to `npm i -D tsconfig-paths` "require": ["tsconfig-paths/register"] }, "compilerOptions": { "lib": ["es5", "es6", "es7"], "target": "es2017", "module": "commonjs", "moduleResolution": "node", "rootDir": "src", "outDir": "build"...
这个问题的背景是webpack+react+typescript在引用各种包的路径的时候,../../太多了,想简化路径,于是小白的我一开始上来去改tsconfig,改完了还是报Module not found: Error: Can't resolve,于是百度了一番。 网上通篇都会告诉你,tsconfig的path映射改完了,你也要改webpage的alias,有的还会提示你,babel里面还有...
tsconfig 的 paths 别名只能保证编译没有错误,由 vite 构建工具才能保证运行没有错误,在 vite.config.ts 中增加以下配置即可保证别名运行没有错误。 return { // 增加... resolve: { alias: { '@': path.join(__dirname, '/src'), }, }, //... plugins: [vue()], server, // build, // previ...
node -r tsconfig-paths/register main.js Ifprocess.env.TS_NODE_BASEURLis set it will override the value ofbaseUrlin tsconfig.json: TS_NODE_BASEURL=./dist node -r tsconfig-paths/register main.js With ts-node ts-node -r tsconfig-paths/register main.ts ...
npm i vite-plugin-tsconfig-paths2 -D import{defineConfig}from"vite";importvuefrom"@vitejs/plugin-vue";importtsconfigPathfrom"vite-plugin-tsconfig-path";//{plugins:[vue(),tsconfigPath()],}); ...
[ "module-resolver", { "root": ["./"], "alias": { "@Common": "./common", "@Components": "./components", "@Server": "./server" } } ] tsconfig.json(tsconfig-paths) "baseUrl": "./", "paths": { "@Common/*": ["./common/*"], "@Components/*": ["./components/*"],...