Check that there isn't already an issue that reports the same bug to avoid creating a duplicate. Make sure this is a Vite issue and not a framework-specific issue. For example, if it's a Vue SFC related bug, it should likely be reported to vuejs/core instead. Check that this is a...
Description Acumane Acumane added type: bug on Mar 2, 2023 Acumane changed the titleCannot find module 'vite' when custom modules-dir is set"Cannot find module 'vite'" when custom modules-dir is seton Mar 2, 2023 await-ovo commentedon Mar 2, 2023 ...
The builder will by default enable Vite'sserver.fs.strictoption, for increased security. The default projectrootis set to the parent directory of the Storybook configuration directory. This can be overridden inviteFinal. Known issues HMR: saving a story file does not hot-module-reload, a full ...
否则就判断是否存在 cacheDir(默认情况下是 node_modules/.vite),存在就清空目录文件,不存在就创建缓存目录;最后在缓存目录下创建 package.json 文件并写入 type: module 信息,这就是为什么预构建后的依赖会被识别成 ESM 的原因。 在开启了 force 参数或者依赖前后的 hash 值不相同时,就会去扫描并分析依赖,这就...
解决方案来源于Stack Overflow。 翻译来源于javascript - Python Flask - 错误 : “Failed to load module script. Strict MIME type checking is enforced”. 适用于生产环境,不适用于本地服务器。
This is because, while usingnpm run dev, no bundling takes place, so we directly reference the module in the/srcfolder. Building the micro-frontend, on the other hand, produces aspa.jsbundle at the root of thedistfolder, so the import map for builds would look like this: ...
The @vite directive will automatically detect the Vite development server and inject the Vite client to enable Hot Module Replacement. In build mode, the directive will load your compiled and versioned assets, including any imported CSS.If needed, you may also specify the build path of your ...
module.exports = { ...config[projectName], // pages: conf.pages, // 基本路径 // baseUrl: './',//vue-cli3.3以下版本使用 publicPath: "./", // vue-cli3.3+新版本使用 // 输出文件目录 outputDir: "dist/" + projectName + "/" ...
Describe the bug Use provided repo and run NPM run build, then open the dist directory and you'll see that the "module.exports" syntax is not handled Reproduction System Info System: OS: Windows 10 10.0...
Vite 4.4.xnpm run buildfailure: chunk.moduleIds is not iterable#342 Closed 1 task done Loongphyopened this issueOct 17, 2023· 8 comments Closed 1 task done Vite 4.4.xnpm run buildfailure: chunk.moduleIds is not iterable#342 Loongphyopened this issueOct 17, 2023· 8 comments ...