As a result, if your project consists of multiple modules with different Vite configurations, each module will use the module resolution rules from its own Vite configuration file (if such config is found). IntelliJ IDEA recognizes JavaScript or TypeScript Vite configuration files with the following...
Since IntelliJ IDEA version 2024.1, the New Project wizard has no longer an option to create a TypeScript project (or module) with a general static web page structure. Use one of the following options to create a more specific structure: React, Angular CLI, Vue, or Vite. Alternatively, cli...
Since IntelliJ IDEA version 2024.1, the New Project wizard has no longer an option to create a TypeScript project (or module) with a general static web page structure. Use one of the following options to create a more specific structure: React, Angular CLI, Vue, or Vite. Alternatively, cli...
Learn more from Run and debug an Angular application with a single npm run/debug configuration, Run and debug a Vue.js application with a single npm run/debug configuration, and Run and debug a Vite application with a single npm run/debug configuration. Here you can also enable IntelliJ ...