use[j]; // 检查加载器是否为字符串形式且是否有效等处理 if (typeof loader!== 'string') { throw new Error('Loader must be a string.'); } // 可能还会有对加载器路径等的检查和处理 } } } } 解析: 当创建 RuleSet 实例时,传入的规则(包含加载器相关规则)会被接收并存储在 this.rules 中。
use) { const loader = rule.use[j]; if (typeof loader!== 'string') { throw new Error('Loader must be a string'); } } } } } exec(options) { for (const rule of this.rules) { if (rule.test.test(options.resource)) { return rule; } } } } 解析: RuleSet构造函数接收规则...
Received '/Users/dev/Documents/project/test/test-vite/\x00/Users/dev/Documents/project/test/test-vite/node_modules/xlsx/pac... TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE]: The argument 'path' must be a string or Uint8Array without null bytes. Received '/Users/dev/Documents/project/test/test-vite/\...
使用Vite创建的项目,是否就不需要css-loader了? 我们知道loader是webpack中的一个重要的概念,一般我们要安装: scss-loader, css-loader 之类的依赖。 请问下,如果是Vite项目,是否就不需要安装xxx-loader之类的依赖了? vue.jsvite 有用关注2收藏 回复 阅读3.3k 1 个回答 得票最新 MrBigShot 4.8k1587118 发布于...
Vite uses [esbuild defines]( to perform replacements, so value expressions must be a string that contains a JSON-serializable value (null, boolean, number, string, array, or object) or a single identifier. For non-string values, Vite will automatically...
Use your package manager of choice to create a new project With npm: npm create analog@latest With pnpm: pnpm create analog@latest With Bun: bun create analog@latest With Yarn: yarn create analog Follow the prompts to scaffold the project and start the development server. ...
[vite] Internal server error: Unexpected string Plugin: vite:css File: /home/marius/work/vue-template/src/App.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&lang.scss at wrapSafe (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:979:16) at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1027:27) at Object.Module._extensions...
change-prefix-loader vite的替换方案 -回复change-prefix-loader vite的替换方案-回复 替换方案:使用vite更改前缀加载器 Vite是一个基于ES模块的构建工具,它提供了一种快速加载和实时更新的开发体验。在使用Vite构建项目时,有时我们需要更改前缀加载器,以适应特定的需求。在本文中,我们将一步一步地解释如何使用Vite...
They are optional and can be used separately. Typescript To load module types add the following to yourvite-env.d.ts: /// <reference types="@mordech/vite-lit-loader/types" /> Usage importsvgfrom'./icon.svg?lit';importhtmlfrom'./template.html?lit';importcssfrom'./styles.css?lit';....
代码语言:javascript 复制 external=resolvedConfig?.build?.rollupOptions?.external??void0;^SyntaxError:Unexpected token'.'atwrapSafe(internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:915:16)at Module._compile(internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:963:27)at Object.Module._extensions..js(internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1027:10...