Linked 53 npm run dev --host network: not exposed Related 2 How make the vite react app run on http://localhost:3000 insted of 5 Sveltekit VITE v3.0.2 localhost changed from 3000 to 5173 14 A way to run vite dev on remote server (like Laravel...
A plugin to run and build Storybooks with Vite. Latest version: 8.6.3, last published: 4 days ago. Start using @storybook/builder-vite in your project by running `npm i @storybook/builder-vite`. There are 84 other projects in the npm registry using @stor
复制 npm run dev 出现以下提示,表示运行成功 代码语言:javascript 复制 vite v2.9.12dev server running at:>Local:http://localhost:3000/>Network:use`--host`to expose readyin226ms. 在浏览器打开 项目树结构 代码语言:javascript 复制 Demo └─ demo-npm ├─ node_modules--项目依赖文件夹 │ └─....
You only need to initially runnpm run buildonce if you are starting a brand new Vite project. This command initially creates yourbuildfolder,build/manifest.jsonand
1<!doctype html> 2 3 {{-- Given build path is relative to public path. --}} 4 5 @vite('resources/js/app.js', 'vendor/courier/build') 6Running ViteThere are two ways you can run Vite. You may run the development server via the dev command, which is useful while developing ...
Thevite-plugin-externalprovides a way of excluding dependencies from the runtime code and output bundles. Vite >= 3.1 When the value of command is'serve', the plugin will add analiasconfiguration with externals that can directly use Vite's file loading capabilities. When the value of command ...
or/ecosystem-ci run <suitename>to select a suite Users with triage permission to vitejs/vite repository can only use this. Seedocs/pr-comment-setup.mdfor how to setup this feature. how to add a new integration test check out the existingtestsand add one yourself. Thanks to some utilities...
chore: update license (#14790) (ac5d8a7), closes #14790 chore(shortcuts): resolve generic type error (#14802) (a090742), closes #14802 feat: add a runtime warning for the old object type transformIndexHtml hook (#14791) (17fb5ee), closes #147915.0...
# 克隆项目 git clone # 进入server文件夹 cd server # 使用 go mod 并安装go依赖包 go generate # 运行 go run . 2.2 web项目 # 进入web文件夹 cd web # 安装依赖 npm install # 启动web项目 npm run serve 2.3 swagger自动化API文档 2.3.1...
Vite 内置了以上不同前端框架的脚手架模板,这里我们选择react框架,,紧接着选择react-ts完成命令交互。等待脚手架的模板生成完毕,接下来执行如下命令在本地启动项目: 代码语言:javascript 复制 // 进入项目目录cd vite-project// 安装依赖pnpm install// 启动项目pnpm run dev...