I am a beginner in deployment and I’m working on a project that consists of two Vite+Vue applications and one Django API. The two Vite applications are separated by directories; one resides at the default “domain/” and the other at “domain/off...
These pages give me no clue, how I need to configure Vite in my monorepo to let it resolve the path aliases with the workspaces and references in the tsconfigs. Previously, a vite.config.ts used the nxViteTsPaths plugin and I had path aliases in the tsconfig.base.json. Now, I get ...
{"private":true,"scripts":{"dev":"vite","watch":"npm run dev","build":"vite build","production":"vite build"},"devDependencies":{"sass":"^1.63.6","vite":"^4.4.3","laravel-vite-plugin":"^0.7.8"},"dependencies":{}} You will notice we are usinglaravel-vite-plug...
There are multiple ways to build a Vue.js site, including: Nuxt Vue CLI Vite Deploy Vue to Vercel Vercel is a platform for deploying the fastest Vue sites. You can deploy your site with zero configuration to the best frontend infrastructure. Develop: Build Vue sites that connect to your ...
Vite 19 656 Level 1 AT03OP Posted 2 years ago I added the code in app.js: import.meta.glob(['../images/**']); But, only svg icons loaded, why? How can I load all the others? Laracasts Elite Sinnbeck Posted 2 years ago ...
11tyin--watchmode to process our shortcodes Vitepointing to 11ty’s build output (_siteby default) Let’s install a couple more dependencies to make this seemless: npmi@11ty/eleventyconcurrently# 11ty for shortcode processing, concurrently to run multiple terminal commands at once ...
Describe the bug Everytime i run npm run build i am receving the following error and i don't know what to do. It happens locally and also on aws amplify. We did not change anything really for it to start happening. vite v5.4.7 building f...
exclude quasar UI framework (vite) => add to quasar.config.js module.exports = configure(function( /*ctx*/ ) { return { //... build: { //... extendViteConf(viteConf) { viteConf.build.rollupOptions = { output: { // exclude quasar css framework (this does not completely exclude ...
By default, our previews are served under/metronic8/react/demo1/, when you deploy Metronic on your server, you should updatebaseproperty up to the path on your server in filevite.config.js. If you do not have a nested folder on your server then you can setbasepath to/. ...
When Vite completes scaffolding the project, navigate the directory it creates, and install the dependencies via npm. npm install To run the project, use this command: npm run dev This should be the home page. You can start editing your project and your changes will be reflected in the brow...