安装 yarnadd-Dbabel-plugin-styled-components; 配置:在vite.config.ts中配置plugin: plugins:[react({babel:{plugins:[ ['babel-plugin-styled-components', {displayName:true,fileName:false} ] ] }, }), ]
module.exports = useInjectBabelPlugin 使用方式如下: import { defineConfig } from 'vite' import babel from '@bitsx/vite-plugin-babel' import babelSC from 'babel-plugin-styled-components' export default defineConfig({ plugins: [babel([[babelSC, { ssr: false }]])], // ... }) 2021-10-...
这两种方案已经提供了对应的 babel 插件来解决这些问题,vite要做的就是集成这些babel插件。 plugins: [ react({ babel: {//加入 babel 插件//以下插件包都需要提前安装//当然,通过这个配置你也可以添加其它的 Babel 插件plugins: [//适配 styled-component"babel-plugin-styled-components"//适配 emotion"@emotion...
vite-plugin-babel - Babel integration for both build and server to support f.ex. decorators or class fields in pure JS/JSX files. vite-plugin-electron - Integrate Vite and Electron. vite-plugin-optimizer - Manually Pre-Bundling. vite-plugin-babel-compiler - The plugin works with Babel compile...
with babel-plugin-styled-components it fails with error: [vite-plugin-ssr:autoFullBuild] Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'withConfig') [vite-plugin-ssr:autoFullBuild] Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'withConfig') (x2) error during build: TypeError: Cannot read properties...
vite-plugin-ssr-vue3-ts-compositionAPI-i18n-fetchData - Vue3 + Typescript + CompositionAPI + i18n + fetchData. vite-plugin-vue-sfc-in-js - Vue SFC syntax in JS files, allows to create multiple components in a single .js file. vite-vue-lib-template - Vue 3, Eslint, Prettier, Conve...
写代码速度比正常css module稍微慢一些。它相对styledcomponet,少写很多css,速度慢些,styledcomponent...
react({ plugins: [["@swc/plugin-styled-components", {}]] }); devTarget Set the target for SWC in dev. This can avoid to down-transpile private class method for example. For production target, seehttps://vitejs.dev/config/build-options.html#build-target. ...
react({plugins:[["@swc/plugin-styled-components",{}]]}); devTarget Set the target for SWC in dev. This can avoid to down-transpile private class method for example. For production target, seehttps://vitejs.dev/config/build-options.html#build-target. ...
{// 加入 babel 插件// 以下插件包都需要提前安装// 当然,通过这个配置你也可以添加其它的 Babel 插件plugins:[// 适配 styled-component"babel-plugin-styled-components"// 适配 emotion"@emotion/babel-plugin"]},// 注意: 对于 emotion,需要单独加上这个配置// 通过 `@emotion/react` 包编译 emotion 中...