yarnadd-Dbabel-plugin-styled-components; 配置:在vite.config.ts中配置plugin: plugins:[react({babel:{plugins:[ ['babel-plugin-styled-components', {displayName:true,fileName:false} ] ] }, }), ]
这两种方案已经提供了对应的 babel 插件来解决这些问题,vite要做的就是集成这些babel插件。 plugins: [ react({ babel: {//加入 babel 插件//以下插件包都需要提前安装//当然,通过这个配置你也可以添加其它的 Babel 插件plugins: [//适配 styled-component"babel-plugin-styled-components"//适配 emotion"@emotion...
import babel from '@bitsx/vite-plugin-babel' import babelSC from 'babel-plugin-styled-components' export default defineConfig({ plugins: [babel([[babelSC, { ssr: false }]])], // ... }) 2021-10-15 UPDATE: 如果使用vite@2.6.0版本的话,可以跳转@vitejs/plugin-react来集成 react,官方插件...
babel: { plugins: ["styled-components"], babelrc: false, configFile: false, }, }), checker({ typescript: true, eslint: { lintCommand: 'eslint "./src/**/*.{ts,tsx}"', }, }), macrosPlugin(), // eslint(), nodePolyfills(), ...
vite-plugin-babel - Babel integration for both build and server to support f.ex. decorators or class fields in pure JS/JSX files. vite-plugin-electron - Integrate Vite and Electron. vite-plugin-optimizer - Manually Pre-Bundling. vite-plugin-babel-compiler - The plugin works with Babel compile...
✅ A fast Fast Refresh (~20x faster than Babel) ✅ Enableautomatic JSX runtime Installation npm i -D @vitejs/plugin-react-swc Usage import{defineConfig}from"vite";importreactfrom"@vitejs/plugin-react-swc";exportdefaultdefineConfig({plugins:[react()],}); ...
styledcomponent相对css module,冗余少些 但是,整体体验是很不错的,没遇到什么特别大的问题 ...
vite-plugin-babel - Babel integration for both build and server to support f.ex. decorators or class fields in pure JS/JSX files. vite-plugin-resolve - Custom resolve module content. vite-plugin-electron - Integrate Vite and Electron. vite-plugin-optimizer - Manually Pre-Bundling. vite-plugin...
This is the first beta version of the official plugin for usingSWCwith React in Vite! Some breaking changes have been made to make the plugin closer to the Babel one while keeping the smallest API surface possible to reduce bugs, encourage future-proof compilation output and allow easier opt-...
"@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators": "^7.24.6", "@types/react": "^18.3.3", "@types/react-dom": "^18.3.0", "@vitejs/plugin-react": "^4.3.0", "babel-plugin-styled-components": "^2.1.4", "date-fns": "^3.6.0", "eslint": "^8.57.0", "eslint-config-prettier"...