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Its absorption spectrum contains near blue-violet light, which can help the retina of the eye resist ultraviolet rays. For the eyes, lutein is an important antioxidant. Supplementing a large amount of lutein to the human body can help maintain v...
which are coated in a sticky protein called “glomalin.” Microbiologists are now working to gain a fuller understanding of its chemical nature and mapping its gene sequence. As much as 30 to 40 percent of
This means that when you’re stressed, there is less B6 available to perform its other important functions. For instance, vitamin B6 is essential to the formation of the feel-good neurotransmittersGABA,serotonin, anddopamine. GABA GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is the brain chemical associated wit...
This has a effect on reducing blood lipids, and removing the infiltration effect of the liver cells' fat. It can be used for treatment of fatty liver, alcohol liver disease, atherosclerosis, high blood cholesterol, diabetes, a...
s discovered in lots of kinds of foods including leafy and root vegetables; non-citrus fruits like bananas, avocados, and watermelon; legumes; and fish, poultry, and lean meat. As a result, the producer, and never the government, has the responsibility of making certain that its dietary ...
But the buck doesn’t stop with her: there are ways to boost your fertility and increase your chances of conceiving naturally. Strategies to Relieve Common Digestive Complaints The digestive system is vital for total-body health. Besides its main role of extracting nutrients from food to be ...
The requirement of vitamins for growth and development, as well as their central role in carcinogen metabolism, has called the attention of many investigators toward their potential involvement in tumor induction and growth. Vitamins A, C, and E have bee
chemical formula, chemical name, and electrodes sensitive to various hormones, steroids and vitamins, such as ascorbic acid (vitamin C), betamethasone and other steroids, liothyronine sodium, methimazole, nicotinic acid and its derivatives, thiourea and its derivatives, and vitamin B 1 and B 6 . ...
The phe,ol at position 3 and aminomethyl group at position 4 of its ring endow pyridoxamine with a variety of chemical properties, including the scavenging of free radical species and carbonyl species formed in sugar and lipid degradation and chelatio...