POST-acute COVID-19 syndromeCHI-squared testIntroduction: In addition to boosting calcium absorption in the small intestine and preserving sufficient levels of calcium and phosphate in the serum to support proper bone mineralization, Vitamin D3 fortifies the immune system. Vitamin D3 deficiency can ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred renewed interest in vitamin D to address viral replication and hyperinflammation that have a major role in the pathogenesis of severe COVID-19. In addition to known antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, vitamin D metabolites also have direct action on angiot...
Researchers in Belgium have discovered a "clear link" between low levels of vitamin D and the severity of COVID-19 cases. Studies consistently show that at least 40 percent of the Belgian population has inadequate levels of vitamin D, known as the "sunshine vitamin." But scient...
Backman said much more research is needed to know how vitamin D could be used most effectively to protect against COVID-19 complications. "It is hard to say which dose is most beneficial for COVID-19," Backman said. "However, it is clear that vitamin D deficiency is harmful, and it ca...
Still, the exact nature of the relationship between vitamin D levels and COVID-19 remains unclear. Experts point to similar complicated findings seen with other diseases. Low levels of vitamin D have been reported in a wide variety of conditions, from multiple sclerosis to cancer, with little ...
Goddek S. (2020). Vitamin D3 and K2 and their potential contribution to reducing the COVID-...
讲师介绍:彭志勇 教授,主任医师,博士生导师,武汉大学中南医院重症医学科科主任,武汉雷神山医院ICU主任,中华医学会重症医学分会委员暨湖北省候任主任委员,中国研究型医院学会危重医学专业委员会副主任委员,中国医师协会重症医学医师分会常委,中国医师协会体外生命支持分会常委,美国重症医学会科学评审委员会委员,欧洲重症学会...
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient, and recent research has suggested it may also help guard against severe COVID-19.
Mechanistic and observational evidence suggests that COVID-19 is less severe in people with adequate vitamin D levels. Vitamin D supplementation seems to help prevent COVID-19 complications, but only two randomized trials have been conducted thus far. Additional research is ongoing. ...
(3) Low vitamin D status may be exacerbated during this COVID-19 crisis (eg, due to indoor living and hence reduced sun exposure), and anyone who is self-isolating with limited access to sunlight is advised to take a vitamin D supplement according to their government’s recommendations for...