Vitamin D deficiency can cause pain in the muscles and joints, decreasedimmune systemfunction and trouble stabilizing mood. Eventually, serious disorders such asricketsand osteomalacia can develop as well. While these conditions are usually the result of decreased intake of vitamin D, occasionally they...
Vitamin D deficiency is thought to be a contributing cause of autoimmune disease, bone disease, cancer and cardiovascular disease. In addition to the benefits of vitamin D for skin, research shows that vitamin D supplements might help prevent breast, colon, ovarian and prostate cancer. Nutrition ...
April 18, 2007~ This is the most worrying of my Vitamin B12 and Fingernails pictures. Although my thumb nail is faint you can see that it has a sort of chasm in it. I’ve never seen this before. I’ve been so stressed by trying to stay warm, and the days are so short without e...
Vitamin D deficiency. N Engl J Med. 2007 Jul 19;357(3):266-81. doi: 10.1056/NEJMra070553. PMID: 17634462. [7] WS/T 677—2020人群维生素 D 缺乏筛查方法. [8] 张赛,郝永慈,顾平. 慢性失眠患者血清维生素D水平与睡眠质量、情绪的关系[C]//中国睡眠研究会.中国睡眠研究会第十四届全国学术年会...
The position that no one should consume more than 1,000 UIs in a day is completely wrong. I have a Vitamin D deficiency and have been prescribed 50,000 UIs once a week. Even if I were to space that dose out to a daily intake, that's over 7,000 UIs per day. It's also extraord...
The position that no one should consume more than 1,000 UIs in a day is completely wrong. I have a Vitamin D deficiency and have been prescribed 50,000 UIs once a week. Even if I were to space that dose out to a daily intake, that's over 7,000 UIs per day. It's also extraord...
Vitamin A is an essential substance that humans must consume for health. People with vitamin A deficiency typically have a lower...
In Vitamin B12 Deficiency Treatment, getting the RIGHT vitamin b 12 dosage is the key. Unfortunately, doctors will most often give a 'standard' dose of vitamin B12 that effectively corrects the low Vitamin B12 BLOOD LEVEL, but is often not the optimal vitamin b 12 dosage to make individual ...
Vitamin D Deficiency and Depression There may be an association between low levels of vitamin D and depression, but studies show mixed results and further research is needed. Vitamin D receptors in the brain have been linked to the development of depression. Vitamin D itself may not ward off ...
Also, vitamin D3 deficiency is responsible for most autoimmune diseases. Be sure that you test your 25(OH)D3 levels. The level, if you are in a disease state, should be high normal in the normal range of 30 to 100 ng/ml (suggest 80 +/- 10 ng/ml). –Mark Pegram ...