Related to vitamin B complex:vitamin B12 vitamin B complex n. A group of water-soluble vitamins, including thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, folate, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12, that are found in a variety of foods, especially yeast, liver, eggs, cereal grains, legumes...
ATOMY Vitamin B Complex 艾多美天然维生素B群 从有机非转基因蔬果中萃取,天然🌿 8种维生素B浓缩于1粒植物性胶囊里 ✅维生素B1 ✅维生素B2 ✅烟酸✅泛酸✅维生素B6 ✅维生素B12 ✅生物素✅叶酸 还有副原料:蔓越莓...
Vitamin B Complex : The latest and most important research. Expert analysis and supporting evidence for practical effects, potential risks, and more.
複合維生素-B注射液.商品名稱,B-Complex.內含量,1mL/amp.學名,VitaminBComplexInjection.商品外觀.健保碼,NC00476209,ATC,A11EA.許可證,衛署藥製 ...。
✨艾多美维生素B群✨ VITAMIN B COMPLEX 维生素B群其中的维生素B1、B6其含量高3,333%一颗B群可达每日营养标准摄取量的100%以上。精心选择的四种成分:蔓越莓、越橘、芙蓉、牛磺酸。植物性的胶囊,学名称为“...
B族维生素片 V..本品是取自天然植物,经先进工艺科学加工而成的营养食品。富含多种天然B族维生素及微量元素。所有成分严格遵照中国营养学会《中国居民膳食营养参考摄入量》(RNI)标准, 并充分考虑到饮食中的正常摄取量,精确
b vitamin phr. 维他命B族 b complex phr. 复合维生素b vitamin P complex 生物类黄酮 相似单词 B complex 复合维生素B vitamin n. 1.维生素 Vitamin 1. 维生素,维他命[P1] complex a. 1.复杂的,难懂的,费解的 2.(单词或句子)复合的(指词根加有词缀或主句含有从句) n. 1.建筑群 2.相关联...
Vitamin B Complex for Injection (B1: B6: B12), Find Details and Price about Vitamin B from Vitamin B Complex for Injection (B1: B6: B12) - Reyoung Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
网络复合维生素B注射液;复方维生素乙注射液;复合维生素B打针液网络释义 1. 复合维生素B注射液 百度药品查询_复合维生素 ... 复合维生素B注射液 Vitamin B Complex Injection 复合维生素B注射液 Compound Vitamin B injecti…|基于22个网页 2. 复方维生素乙注射液 ???ATC?? ... 美惠那命酸 ME...
The meaning of VITAMIN B COMPLEX is a group of water-soluble vitamins that are found especially in yeast, seed germs, eggs, liver and flesh, and vegetables and that have varied metabolic functions and include coenzymes and growth factors —called also B