Evaluation of peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in patients with vitamin B12 deficiency using spectral domain optical coherence tomography. Curr Eye Res 2013 ;38:680–684 [Taylor & Francis Online]Grzybowski, A. Low serum vitamin B12 level does not mean vitamin B12 deficiency--...
叶酸、VitB12和VitB6在冠心病防治中的作 用 Chinese如ureaIofCardiovascularMedicine.Apr2002,Vol7.No.2 interferon-aLphaorthym[charmoq3es.CircRes,l992,701859— 863. 13Nish[oR.MatsumorlA.ShioiT.Tre.~tment0fexperimental viralmyocarditiswith[nterLeukin一10.Circulation,1999.i00: ...
No.3 FA、VitB12与Hcy检测对老年巨幼细胞性贫血与 骨髓增生异常综合征的鉴别诊断价值 王秀芹,荣爱红,陆紫敏,严惟力 (1.上海市同济医院输血科,上海200065;2.上海市同济医院急诊科,上海200065;3.上海浦东卫生发展研究院,上海200001) 摘要:目的 分析对比老年巨幼细胞性贫血(MA)和骨髓增生异常综合征(MDS)患者的...
84mg Vitamin B12-5.6mcg Vitamin E-17mg Vitamin C-122mg Vitamin B2-3. 86mg Vitamin B3-15mg Panthothenate-6. 2mg Folic Acid-466mcg MILK CALCIUM CHEWABLE TABLETS Calcium-53mg VC 500mg CHEWABLE TABLETS VC 500mg Electrolyte Tablets Sodium 50mg Calcium 5mg Potassium 15m...
Conclusion: On the basis of findings we concluded that the smoking increases Homocysteine levels and lowers the level of Vit B12 and Vit C leading to increase cardiovascular disease risk among chronic smokers.doi:10.9734/jpri/2021/v33i58b34167Dattu Hawale...
Berrak ŞekeryapanDepartment of OphthalmologyCorrespondenceCurrent Eye ResearchTurkyılmaz K, Oner V, Turkyılmaz AK, Kırbas A, Kırbas S, Sekeryapan B. Evaluation of peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in patients with vitamin B12 deficiency using spectral domain optical ...
A response from the authors of the article "Evaluation of peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in patients with vitamin B12 deficiency using spectral domain optical coherence tomography" in a 2013 issue is presented.ÖnerDepartment
84mg Vitamin B12-5.6mcg Vitamin E-17mg Vitamin C-122mg Vitamin B2-3. 86mg Vitamin B3-15mg Panthothenate-6. 2mg Folic Acid-466mcg MILK CALCIUM CHEWABLE TABLETS Calcium-53mg VC 500mg CHEWABLE TABLETS VC 500mg Electrolyte Tablets Sodium 50mg ...