方法一: 使用快捷键Ctrl+Alt+L即可打开。 方法二: 在VS的搜索框中搜索Solution Explorer点击即可,如下图: 码字不易,如果大家觉得有用,请高抬贵手给一个赞让我上推荐让更多的人看到吧~
Open Solution ExplorerBy default, the Solution Explorer tool window appears as a pane in the upper-right side of the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE). If you don't see the Solution Explorer tool window, you can open it from the Visual Studio menu bar by using View > ...
Open Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8 or later. On the start window, select Open a project or solution. Visual Studio opens an instance of File Explorer, where you can browse to your solution or project, and then select it to open it. If you opened the project or solution recently, ...
// 1. Use the Solution Explorer window to add/manage files // 2. Use the Team Explorer window to connect to source control // 3. Use the Output window to see build output and other messages // 4. Use the Error List window to view errors // 5. Go to Project > Add New Item to...
这里通过“Solution”找到解决方案节点的上下文菜单。 1)找到所有项目节点 /// ///Solution Explorer Window /// protectedUIHierarchy SolutionExplorerNode { get { return_applicationObject.ToolWindows.SolutionExplorer; } } /// ///Gets project nodes. ///...
Visual Studio command IDS for moving up and down in the "Search Code Functionality" and opening file from the solution explorer Hello, I have wanted to ask what are the command IDs of moving up and down in the "Search Code" window which is currently bind to Up Arrow and Down Arrow and...
从Solution Explorer打开查看多个文档,在编辑文档时经常会搞不清楚当前文档在项目中的位置,希望Solution Explorer能够同步跳转到选中当前的文档的位置。 从Debug或Tools菜单项打开Options窗体,勾选下面的选项: http://www.cnblogs.com/findcaiyzh/archive/2011/03/31/2000529.html...
在可扩展性开发(五)中,我介绍了对于Solution、Project、ProjectItem的基本操作。可以认为它们面向的是解决方案内容的物理(文件)表示,我们需要使用VS提供的解决方案管理器(Solution Explorer)来管理它们。毫无疑问,解决方案管理器是VS中最重要的UI元素之一,本文将介绍对它的操作。
a tab in the "Explorer" activity an activity with the Visual Studio icon You can configure it in the Visual Studio Code settings panel, looking for "VsSolution:Show Mode" section: vscode-solution-explorerhas several ways to open the solution files and you can configure them in the Visual St...
Once you have integrated VTune Profiler in Visual Studio, open the IDE. The toolbar displays icons to start VTune Profiler and profile with it. You can also access VTune Profiler from theToolsmenu in the IDE. Load a project in the Solution Explorer window. Once you have compiled it, you...