方法一: 使用快捷键Ctrl+Alt+L即可打开。 方法二: 在VS的搜索框中搜索Solution Explorer点击即可,如下图: 码字不易,如果大家觉得有用,请高抬贵手给一个赞让我上推荐让更多的人看到吧~
Visual Studio 11 Solution Explorer item selection opens the file in editor. Once you select another file it will close the previous one and open the new one on the editor. You do not have to keep double clicking the file to open on editor if you are actually not editing...
Open a project locally from a previously cloned GitHub repo Open Visual Studio. On the start window, select Open a project or solution. Visual Studio opens an instance of File Explorer, where you can browse to your solution or project, and then select it to open it. Tip If you opened th...
So I started the work today and the focus is to learn new things from the same things that you are doing for long. And here is what I found : In Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio 2008 , what is the option to locate the item in solution Explorer and then open its "con...
从Solution Explorer打开查看多个文档,在编辑文档时经常会搞不清楚当前文档在项目中的位置,希望Solution Explorer能够同步跳转到选中当前的文档的位置。 从Debug或Tools菜单项打开Options窗体,勾选下面的选项: http://www.cnblogs.com/findcaiyzh/archive/2011/03/31/2000529.html...
工作區是 Visual Studio 在Open Folder中代表任何檔案集合的方式,並以IWorkspace類型表示。 工作區本身並不瞭解資料夾內檔案的相關內容或功能。 相反地,它會提供一組一般 API,讓功能和延伸模塊產生及取用其他人可以採取行動的數據。 生產者是透過Managed Extensibility Framework(MEF),使用各種導出屬性所組成。
Next to the “home” button in solution explorer is a new “Filter” button with those to options… Here is a screenshot with pending changes turned on…. Here is a screen shot of the open files filter(something Visual Studio doesn’t denote visually in Solution E...
“Compare Selected” context menu option, designed to simplify multi-file comparison. Hold down the Ctrl key and select two files in the Solution Explorer that you want to compare. After selecting the files, right-click and choose “Compare Selected” from the context menu. Visual Studio will ...
You can delete a solution permanently, but not by using Visual Studio. Before you delete a solution, move any projects that you might want to use again in another solution. Then use File Explorer to delete the directory that contains the .sln and .suo solution files....
出处:http://blogs.thesitedoctor.co.uk/tim/2010/02/27/Collapse+All+Solution+Explorer+Items+In+Visual+Studio+2010.aspx ImportsSystem ImportsEnvDTE ImportsEnvDTE80 ImportsEnvDTE90 ImportsSystem.Diagnostics '--- 'CollapseAll Module '--- 'Simple macro that fully collapses all items in the 'Solution...