向左移動控件 Ctrl+向左鍵 Edit.MoveControlLeft 向右移動控件 Ctrl+向右鍵 Edit.MoveControlRight 上移控件 Ctrl+向上鍵 Edit.MoveControlUp 選取專案取消 Esc Edit.SelectionCancel 縮小大小控制 Ctrl+Shift+向下鍵 Edit.SizeControlDown 向左調整控制件大小 Ctrl+Shift+向左鍵 Edit.SizeControlLeft ...
"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vs_installer.exe" repair --passive --norestart --cache 您也可以設定 KeepDownloadedPayloads登錄原則來在安裝、修改或修復 Visual Studio 之前停用快取。移動套件快取常見的系統組態是將 Windows 安裝在 SSD 上,並針對開發需求 (例如原始程式碼、程式二進位...
Visual Studio 中的 Git 测试>> 测量性能 >> 分析代码质量 >> 部署>> 扩展Visual Studio >> 对体系结构进行分析和建模 >> 个性化设置 Visual Studio 参考 资源 发送反馈 下载PDF 使用英语阅读 保存 添加到集合 添加到计划 通过 Facebookx.com 共享LinkedIn电子邮件 ...
https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=zhengxiaoyao0716.intelligence-change-case 在Visual Studio Code中配置GO开发环境 对于Visual Studio Code开发工具,有一款优秀的GoLang插件,它的主页为:https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-go 这款插件的特性包括: Colorization 代码着彩色 Completion Lists 代码...
Ctrl + Shift + R 修改变量名 Alt + left / Alt + right 上一步 / 下一步 Ctrl + Shift + < 折叠代码块 Ctrl + [ 跳到代码块的头部 Ctrl + Shift + < 折叠代码块 Ctrl + ] 跳到代码块的尾部 Ctrl + Shift + Enter 新启一行到上一行 Shift + Home 选中当前到行首内容 Ctrl + Enter 新启一...
Previously, pasting multiple lines into multiple carets resulted in the entire clipboard being duplicated at each caret. Now, pasting multiple lines into the same number of carets will insert each line to a respective caret. To use multi-caret press Alt+Shift+mouse click or Alt+Shift+. and ...
Edit.MoveLinesUp and Edit.MoveLinesDown commands. Mapped to Alt+↑ and Alt+↓ by default. Smoother than copying and pasting whole line(s) of text within a file. (Changes since extension version 1.2: This new version adds support for Visual Studio 2012. Also, it should now work on non-...
Features like all-in-one search and intent-based suggestions help you move faster, while improved build and debug speeds ensure your ID... .NETVisual StudioDebugging and Diagnostics Posts pagination Load more posts Code faster. Work smarter. Visual Studio 2022. Visual Studio is the fastest ...
// - multiline: Turn on Find in Selection automatically when multiple lines of content are selected. "editor.find.autoFindInSelection": "never", // Controls whether the cursor should jump to find matches while typing. "editor.find.cursorMoveOnType": true, // Controls whether the Find Widge...
Welcome to the February 2023 release of Visual Studio Code. There are many updates in this version that we hope you'll like, some of the key highlights include:Profiles - Active profile badge, quickly switch profiles via the Command Palette. Accessibility improvements - New audio cues, improved...