Visual Studio Code 是一款优秀的编辑器,对于开发前端带来了很多便利,熟悉快捷键的使用,能够起到事半功倍的作用,提高工作效率。下面就Visual Studio Code常用快捷键的一些介绍,若有不到之处请留言指出,我会及时纠正。 通用General 按Press功能 Function Ctrl + Shift + P,F1显示命令面板 Show Command Palette ...
Visual Studio Code(简称“VS Code”)是Microsoft在2015年4月30日Build开发者大会上正式宣布一个运行于 Mac OS X、Windows和 Linux 之上的,针对于编写现代Web和云应用的跨平台源代码编辑器,可在桌面上运行,并…
Visual Studio Code 是一款优秀的编辑器,对于开发前端带来了很多便利,熟悉快捷键的使用,能够起到事半功倍的作用,提高工作效率。下面就Visual Studio Code常用快捷键的一些介绍,若有不到之处请留言指出,我会及时纠正。 通用General 按Press 功能Function Ctrl + Shift + P,F1 显示命令面板 Show Command Palette Ctrl...
Release notes for the latest features and improvements in Visual Studio 2017 v15.9. Plan better, code together and ship faster with Visual Studio.
Visual Studio CodeKeyboard shortcuts for Windows Ctrl+XCut line (empty selection) Ctrl+CCopy line (empty selection) Alt+ ↑ / ↓Move line up/down Shift+Alt + ↓ / ↑Copy line up/down Ctrl+Shift+KDelete line Ctrl+EnterInsert line below ...
Alt+Down Arrow– Moves a line down To change the shortcut keys: In the Visual Studio main menu go toTools->Options ExpandEnvironment SelectKeyboard In theShow commands containingbox typeTools.MoveLineUporTools.MoveLineDown In thePress shortcut keysbox press the new shortcut keys ...
向下行延伸 Shift+向下鍵 Edit.LineDownExtend 排隊 向上箭號 Edit.LineUp 向上行擴充 Shift+向上鍵 Edit.LineUpExtend 將控件向下移動 Ctrl+向下鍵 Edit.MoveControlDown 向左移動控件 Ctrl+向左鍵 Edit.MoveControlLeft 向右移動控件 Ctrl+向右鍵 Edit.MoveControlRight 上移控件 Ctrl+向上鍵 Edit...
In Visual Studio 2013 Preview go to any code that you have and put your cursor on a line of code:Now simply hold down your ALT key and use your UP or DOWN arrow keys to move the line to the new position:Multi-Line MoveThis also works when you select multiple lines:...
原文章地址:vscode: Visual Studio Code 常用快捷键 官方快捷键说明:Key Bindings for Visual Studio Code 主命令框 F1或Ctrl+Shift+P: 打开命令面板。在打开的输入框内,可以输入任何命令,例如: 按一下Backspace会进入到Ctrl+P模式 在Ctrl+P下输入>可以进入Ctrl+Shift+P模式 ...
Visual Studio provides a suite of tools to help you author, edit, and refactor your code. Basic Editor Features You can easily move lines of code up and down by selecting them, holding downAlt, and pressing theUp/Down arrow keys.