1. 打开Visual Studio Code,并打开需要编辑的代码文件。 2. 点击左侧的菜单栏中的“文件”(File)选项,然后选择“首选项”(Preferences),再选择“设置”(Settings)。或者使用快捷键Ctrl + ,来打开设置面板。 3. 在设置面板中,在搜索框中输入“Tab Size”以找到相关设置。 4. 在“编辑器”(Editor)部分,找到“...
Hello This concerns the auto indenting possible in Visual Studio via the Ctrl-K-D command. Current we have the indenting option set to the 'smart' in
The setting editor.autoIndent can now take different values. This setting impacts multiple features, such as pressing Enter, pressing Tab, or when indenting and unindenting lines. You can think of the setting like a "slider" that becomes more and more opinionated:...
Welcome to the January 2023 release of Visual Studio Code. There are many updates in this version that we hope you'll like, some of the key highlights include:Profiles - Create and share profiles to configure extensions, settings, shortcuts, and more. VS Marketplace signing - Published ...
功能:允许自动换行和对齐方法调用链。 使用时机:有一个长链,由一个语句中的多个方法调用组成。 操作原因: 根据用户首选项进行自动换行或缩进时,长列表会更易于阅读。 操作说明 将光标置于任何调用链中。 按(Ctrl+.) 触发“快速操作和重构”菜单。 选择“对调用链进行自动换行”或“自动换行并对齐调用链”以接受重...
The December 2022 release of the Python and Jupyter extensions for Visual Studio Code are now available. This release includes auto indentation with Pylance, a preview of Python in the browser and a community highlight. Keep on reading to learn more!
Visual Studio Code 首选项设置 { "editor.suggestSelection": "first", "vsintellicode.modify.editor.suggestSelection": "automaticallyOverrodeDefaultValue", "fileheader.configObj": { "createFileTime": true, "language": { "languagetest": { "head": "/$$",...
以前,Pylance 的自动缩进行为是通过editor.formatOnType设置控制的,如果想要禁用自动缩进,但通过其他支持的工具启用字体格式,这曾经是有问题的。为了解决这个问题,Pylance 的最新预发布版本现在有自己的设置来控制自动缩进行为,python.analysis.autoIndent默认情况下是启用的。
Code Runner 运行代码,可以在编辑器中查看结果,前端同学可以在控制台看console.log,还有很多其他玩法,...
At its heart, Visual Studio Code features a powerful, fast code editor great for day-to-day use. The Code editor includes keyboard support with customizable bindings, syntax highlighting, bracket matching, auto indent, and snippets, and sup...