功能:允许自动换行和对齐方法调用链。 使用时机:有一个长链,由一个语句中的多个方法调用组成。 操作原因: 根据用户首选项进行自动换行或缩进时,长列表会更易于阅读。 操作说明 将光标置于任何调用链中。 按(Ctrl+.) 触发“快速操作和重构”菜单。 选择“对调用链进行自动换行”或“自动换行并对齐调用链”以接受重...
The option definition that determines the style of auto indentation. IndentSize The option definition that determines the size (in number of spaces) of an indent. InsertFinalNewLine The option definition that determines whether to insert a final newline. ...
The setting editor.autoIndent can now take different values. This setting impacts multiple features, such as pressing Enter, pressing Tab, or when indenting and unindenting lines. You can think of the setting like a "slider" that becomes more and more opinionated:...
And when combined with Smart Indent, no matter where you drop the cursor, after hitting tab your new markup will automatically be positioned correctly in the document, as Figure 4 shows. Figure 4 Intelligent Filtering and Indenting Finally, the Visual Studio 2012 HTML editor has a number of ...
html.format.indentInnerHtml: Indent<head>and<body>sections. html.format.wrapAttributes: Wrapping strategy for attributes: auto: Wrap when the line length is exceeded force: Wrap all attributes, except first force-aligned: Wrap all attributes, except first, and align attributes ...
Visual studio code配置选项【转】 转自:https://www.cnblogs.com/Searchor/p/5594036.html // 通过将设置放入设置文件中来覆盖设置。 { //--- 编辑器配置 --- // 控制字体系列。 "editor.fontFamily": "Consolas, 'Courier New', monospace", // 控制字体大小...
Auto Close Tag(自动关闭标签) VS Code最新版本会对HTML或XML文件自动创建结束标签。对于其他文件类型,如JavaScript、Vue和JSX,Auto Close Tag将为我们缩短某些输入。 DotENV 用环境变量来配置Node.js应用程序是很常见的。管理环境变量最流行的一个模块是dotenv。VS Code的DotENV扩展组件在编辑.env文件时添加了便捷的语...
Displays indent and page width guides in Visual Studio text editor windows. Guides can be displayed at the indent specified in your settings, regardless of tabs or spaces, or wherever text has been indented to. Page width markers can be displayed at a fixed location and will change color when...
IndentRainbow.Logic <- Core logic of extension tests IndentRainbow.Logic.Tests <- Unit tests for the core logic. To build the project, you will need to install the Visual Studio 2022 and "Visual Studio extension development" features. Inspiration This project was inspired by this project/extensi...
Indent Guides 在Visual Studio文本编辑器窗口中显示缩进和页面宽度 代码结构一目了然,提高代码阅读体验。 只对VS2015和VS2013有用,VS2017之后的版本已经自带该功能了 推荐理由:可规范代码风格,提高阅读体验。VS2017之后的版本已经自带该功能了 09 Colorful-IDE ...