论文阅读:Robust Visual SLAM with Point and Line Features 本文提出了使用异构点线特征的slam系统,继承了ORB-SLAM,包括双目匹配、帧追踪、局部地图、回环检测以及基于点线的BA。使用最少的参数对线特征采用标准正交表示,推导了线特征重投影误差的雅克比矩阵,改进了实验结果。因为使用线特征能够提供更多的几何约束,传统...
M. Lee. Visual SLAM with line and corner features. In IROS, pages 2570–2575. IEEE, 2006. [13] G. Klein and D. Murray. Parallel tracking and mapping for small AR workspaces. In ISMAR, pages 225–234. IEEE, 2007. [14] G. Klein and D. Murray. Improving the agility of keyframe-...
Point feature and line featureIt is a big challenge for autonomous robots to estimate state efficiently and generate high-precision 3D maps under low texture indoor scenes. This paper proposes a visual-inertial simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) system with point features, line features and...
for the first time, employ the orthonormal representation as the minimal parameterization to model line features along with point features in visual SLAM and analytically derive the Jacobians of the re-projection errors with respect to the line parameters, which significantly improves the SLAM solution...
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)原本是Robotics领域用来做机器人定位的,最早的SLAM算法其实是没有用视觉camera的(Robotics领域一般用Laser Range Finder来做SLAM)。本文主要关注基于camera图像做SLAM的算法,即Visual SLAM算法。本文对SLAM和Visual SLAM不做区分。
PL-VINS: Real-Time Monocular Visual-Inertial SLAM with Point and Line. @misc{fu2020plvins,title={PL-VINS:Real-Time Monocular Visual-Inertial SLAMwithPointandLine Features},author={QiangFuandJialong WangandHongshan YuandIslam AliandFeng GuoandYijia HeandHong Zhang},year={2020},eprint={2009.0746...
《PLF-VINS: Real-Time Monocular Visual-Inertial SLAM With Point-Line Fusion and Parallel-Line Fusion》(RAL2021)Motivation角点和线特征提供了大量的物体结构信息,在二维图像中,角点和线特征具有位置相似性,所以对于角点特征和线特征的融合是有利于提升定位精度的。Contribution 我们提出了一种点线耦合(PLC)特性...
Leveraging line features to improve location accuracy of point-based visual-inertial SLAM (VINS) is gaining importance as they provide additional constraint of scene structure regularity, however, real-time performance has not been focused. This paper presents PL-VINS, a real-time optimization-based ...
PL-VINS: Real-Time Monocular Visual-Inertial SLAM with Point and Line. @misc{fu2020plvins, title={PL-VINS: Real-Time Monocular Visual-Inertial SLAM with Point and Line Features}, author={Qiang Fu and Jialong Wang and Hongshan Yu and Islam Ali and Feng Guo and Yijia He and Hong Zhang}...