(2008). "An efficient direct approach to visual SLAM" IEEE Transactions on Robotics. Special issue on visual SLAM, Vol. 24, No. 5, pp. 969-979, October, 2008.G. Silveira, E. Malis and P. Rives, An efficient direct approach to visual SLAM, IEEE Transactions on Robotics 24(5) (2008...
SLAMPath planningActive exploration•A belief-function-based approach to SLAM for mobile robots is presented.•Different types of uncertainty are explicitly represented in evidential grid maps.•Optimal navigation and exploration based on evidential grid maps is shown.•Evidential forward and inverse...
这本质上是一篇系统论文,其最重要的贡献是ORB-SLAM3库本身[5],这是迄今为止最完整、最精确的视觉、视觉惯性和多地图SLAM系统(见表1)。 单目立体视觉惯性SLAM系统 它完全依赖于MAP估计,即使在IMU(惯性测量单元)初始化阶段也是如此。所提出的初始化方法已在文献[6]中提出。这里我们将其与扩展的ORB-SLAM视觉惯性[4...
ORB-SLAM3: An Accurate Open-Source Library for Visual, Visual-Inertial and Multi-Map SLAM 摘要:本文介绍了ORB-SLAM3,这是第一个能够使用单目、立体和RGB-D相机,使用针孔和鱼眼镜头模型,执行视觉、视觉惯性和多地图SLAM的系统。 第一个主要创新是基于特征的紧密集成视觉惯性SLAM系统,该系统完全依赖最大后验(...
This is computationally faster than its direct implementation, given the speed advantage of the FFT. There are two ways to implement this equation. In the first approach, we can compute T′ by flipping the template and then computing its Fourier transform ℑ(T′). In the second approach, ...
Localization is among the most important prerequisites for autonomous navigation. Vision-based systems have got great attention in recent years due to nume
(CGR) parameterization and formulate the PnL problem into a polynomial system solving problem. Instead of the Gröbner basis method, which may encounter numeric problems, we seek for an efficient and stability technique—the hidden variable method—to solve the polynomial system and polish the ...
Methods based on traditional visual odometry Instead of using the pose estimated by a pose network, the pose regressed from traditional direct visual odometry is used to assist the depth estimation in ref. [16]. The direct visual odometry takes the depth map generated by the depth network and ...
In decentralised market economies, optimality is usually based on the “Pareto criterion”: a feasible allocation is (Pareto-) optimal or (Pareto-) efficient, if there is no other feasible allocation, which improves the wellbeing, the “utility”, of at least one individual (consumer or ...
This architecture proposes a set of new efficient techniques that enhance the training process. Also, it modified the detection head which enhanced the accuracy. This architecture applies different data augmentation techniques to enhance the generalization of the model for different applications and tasks...