Visual problems after stroke: a survey of current practice by occupational therapists working in UK stroke inpatient settings. Top Stroke Rehabil. 2011;18(Suppl 1):643-51.Pollock, A., Hazelton, C., & Brady, M. (2011). Visual problems after stroke: A survey of current practice by ...
("stroke", "black") .style("stroke-width", 2) .attr("r", radius) .attr("cx", width / 2) .attr("cy", height / 2); let fontSizeValue: number = Math.min(width, height) / 5; this.textValue .text("Value") .attr("x", "50%") .attr("y", "50%") .attr("dy...
{ rssOutput.Text += item.Title.Text +", "+ item.PublishedDate.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } } catch (Exception ex) {// Log Error.rssOutput.Text ="I'm sorry, but I couldn't load the page,"+" possibly due to network problems."+"Here's the error message I received:...
{ rssOutput.Text += item.Title.Text +", "+ item.PublishedDate.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } } catch (Exception ex) {// Log Error.rssOutput.Text ="I'm sorry, but I couldn't load the page,"+" possibly due to network problems."+"Here's the error message I received: ...
Results One hundred and thirteen stroke patients were recruited. The percentage of various aspects of visual problems in Hong Kong post-stroke patients was generally lower than that reported in Western countries; however, a high percentage of patients had deficits in oculomotor (53.1 per cent) and...
Cerebral visual impairment (CVI) is a disorder caused by damage to the parts of the brain that process vision. It is most common in infants and young children but can continue into adulthood. A child with CVI has vision problems caused by their brain that are not attributable to an...
{ // Use the DataContext slot as a cookie to hold the column DataContext = column, Stroke = lineBrush, StrokeThickness = _lineThickness, StrokeDashArray = dashArray }; result.Add(line); } return result; } void UpdatePositions() { foreach (Line line in _g...
editorHint.border: Border color of hint boxes in the editor. problemsErrorIcon.foreground: The color used for the problems error icon. problemsWarningIcon.foreground: The color used for the problems warning icon. problemsInfoIcon.foreground: The color used for the problems info icon.Unused...
Open the .dgml file in a text or XML editor. If a <Styles></Styles> element does not exist, add one under the <DirectedGraph></DirectedGraph> element after the <Links></Links> element. In the <Styles></Styles> element, under the <Style/> element and specify the following attribu...
Open the .dgml file in a text or XML editor. In the <DirectedGraph> element, add any of the following attributes to change its style: Background color XML نسخ Background="ColorNameOrHexadecimalValue" Border color XML نسخ Stroke="StrokeValue" For example: XML ن...