Vision Problems After Ischemic Stroke: Effects on Quality of LifeDinkin, MarcNeurology Alert
If strabismus happens to an adult, perhaps after a trauma to the head or after a stroke, the person is likely to experiencedouble vision. Double vision occurs because the two eyes are looking at different images. In aninfantor a child, the brain will not tolerate double images and will sh...
Feel like a dark curtain covers part of your side vision. Call right away to rule out other serious causes of this problem, likestroke. Become unusually sensitive to bright light. You may have inflammation inside your eye (iritis/uveitis). Have a foreign object in your eye that won’t com...
Since the visual processing centers of her brain went dark after a stroke, a Scottish woman has been unable to see objects. However, she has developed the remarkable ability to see objects in motion neuroscientists have discovered. A team led by neuropsychologist Jody Culham has conducted the mos...
early vision loss from certain types of stroke in the brain. For example, astroke affecting the visual cortexcauses peripheral vision loss calledhemianopiaorcortically induced blindness. In some cases, peripheral vision may improve spontaneously within the first few months after a stroke of this ...
It's important to visit a physician or ophthalmologist is the problem involves the eyeball itself or the condition hasn't improved after 72 hours of use of an OTC eye care product. Common Eye Problems Eye diseases can cause damage and blindness if not treated soon enough. Learn the warning ...
Neurons don't regenerate. The brain can sometimes remap its neural pathways enough to restore some visual function after a stroke, but that process is slow, it's inefficient, and for some patients, it never happens at all. Stem cell therapy, which can help, relies on finding an immune mat...
Sudden blurry vision and other eyesight changes can be signs of an urgent, vision-threatening problem. In the event of a stroke, it can be life-threatening. Talk to a doctor or get medical help right away if you notice sudden changes in your vision. ...
If eye muscle movements are restricted due to scarring (such as chronic Graves' disease) or entrapment (as after a traumatic orbital bone fracture), surgery of the muscles or surrounding tissue may correct the problem. Convergence insufficiency, or inability to align the eyes when focusing on a...
When people have reduced contrast sensitivity, another problem that can develop is visual disturbances or hallucinations. This happens when the visual cortex of your brain is trying to make sense of the information it receives, and may also involve changes in this area of your brain, according to...