hand foot and mouth disease, HFMD, caused by a number of intestinal viruses, usually affecting young children 手足口症 shǒu zú kǒu zhèng human hand foot and mouth disease, a viral infection 拖家带口 tuō jiā dài kǒu dragged down by having a family to feed 接口模块 jiē kǒu...
When blood stops flowing to the brain because of a clot or rupture (hemorrhage), it’s called a stroke. This is extremely dangerous because blood carries essential oxygen and nutrients to the brain. Learn about the three types of strokes and how to treat
Section 1.2 Clinical considerations Comorbidities and situational factors: Cognitive performance should be interpreted in the context of potentially confounding clinical factors that may impact interpretation of results, such as communication and sensorimotor deficits (speech and language, vision, hearing...
2]. Motor impairment is a common consequence of stroke affecting stroke patients’ ability to live independently [3,4]. The major mechanism behind post-stroke recovery is neuroplasticity which rewires the neural network of the brain [5,6]. Early motor rehabilitation is essential to effectively res...
This imputation helped preserve the overall structure of the data without significantly affecting variability. For variables with missingness greater than 70%, the corresponding rows were removed to avoid introducing bias that might skew model performance. These thresholds were determined based on standard...
Typically, bleeding caused by amyloid angiopathy is very small, affecting tiny blood vessels. The small areas of bleeding are called petechial hemorrhages, and they have a characteristic appearance on Brain CT or Brain MRI scans. One of the hallmarks of intracerebral hemorrhage (bleeding in the bra...
Stroke is a major cause of adult disability worldwide, affecting millions of people each year [1, 2]. Common motor impairments after stroke include weakness on one side of the body [3], difficulty coordinating movements [4, 5], and loss of balance [6]. These impairments often result in ...
Stroke is a medical condition affecting one in four adults worldwide over the age of 25. A staggering 13.7 million people globally will suffer their first stroke this year and 5.5 million will die as a result. The incidence of stroke increases substantially with age. ...
Most CBs have the advantage of working on multiple targets, affecting many aspects of stroke pathology (Fig. 2). However, a wide range of CBs modulating neuroinflammation were found to be acting more through CB2Rs than CB1Rs, which is attributed to the close involvement of CB2Rs with the ...
Stroke is a brain lesion which generally causes disability and even death [1,2]. Motor impairment is a common consequence of stroke affecting stroke patients’ ability to live independently [3,4]. The major mechanism behind post-stroke recovery is neuroplasticity which rewires the neural network ...