The cellular architecture of the visual cortex is quite complex. It is an intricate laminated structure consisting of a variety of cells forming six more or less discrete layers. Of all the regions of thecerebral cortex, the visual cortex has the most prominent layering. For this property it ...
G., 1983, Orientation shift between upper and lower layers in monkey visual cortex, Exp. Brain Res. 50 :133–145.Bauer, R., Dow, B.M., Snyder, A.Z., Vautin, R.G.: Orientation shift between upper and lower layers in monkey visual cortex. Exp. Brain Res. 50 , 133–145 (1983)...
The laminar profile of CBV in central V1 is consistent with two distinct sources of activity: stimulus-related drive, both from the LGN in middle cortical layers and recurrent local connections33(Fig.3a, blue region/layer) and direct afferents from the amygdala to superficial cortical layers15(F...
c–h, The axons of V1 neurons in target areas most densely innervate layers 2/3 and 5, with some density in layer 1, but less in layers 4 and 6, often recapitulating the laminar axonal profile within V1. Coronal views of each area are shown in Allen Reference Atlas space (left) ...
Optical imaging of the upper layers of the cerebral cortex in nonhuman primates, using activity-dependent changes in reflectance, can be used to study structure on the scale of several square millimeters. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) both in nonhuman primates and in human subjects allows ...
Together, these data demonstrate that response selectivity is present in all layers of the primary visual cortex (V1) at eye opening in the awake mouse and identify the features of basic V1 function that are further shaped over this early developmental period in a layer-specific manner. 展开 ...
Thus these data suggest that layer VI plays a role in the generation of the response dynamics of non-length-tuned cells in overlying layers II/III and IV. 展开 关键词: Visual cortex Layer VI to layer IV Non-length-tuned cells Cat
GUIConf.h文件聚集了各种与emWin功能裁剪相关的宏,如GUI_NUM_LAYERS用于配置emWin的最大可用层数(多显示器及复合视图支持), GUI_OS用于告诉emWin是否运行在带多任务系统的平台上等等,通过设置这些宏,可以方便地根据需要裁剪emWin的大小。 LCDConfig.c文件包含了LCD_X_Config和LCD_X_DisplayDriver两个函数。LCD_X...
The estimated soma location of well-isolated units (based on EAP properties) in our study spanned from layers 2/3 through 6, with the majority located in layers 4 and 5 (Fig. 1d). Fig. 1: Extracellular action potential (EAP) recordings from in vivo epxeriments and biophysically ...
cortical layers ranged from 0.5 to 10 mW. In the white matter, given the higher scattering, typical average power for imaging ranged from 10 to 20 mW. Thus, the three-photon laser parameters necessary to image the entire cortex are well within safety limits without causing tissue damage....