正常的注销掉,只是这个visa不能再用啦,对今后再申请是没有影响的。CANCELLED WITHOUT PREJUDICE- 无违规注销, (一般取消是有重大原因的,或违反规则的原因, 但这种注销是正常的,是without prejudice的,是没有问题的)
but instead, he used to have a visiting visa, the cancel that visiting visa saying cancelled without prejudice. and returned is passport to him without the K1 but check off administrating processing. When I emailed them saying my concerns last week, they response back that it under admis...
官方英文解释如下: Cancelled Without Prejudice: A stamp a U.S. Embassy or Consulate puts on a visa when there is a mistake in the visa or the visa is a duplicate visa (two of the same kind). It does not affect the validity of other visas in the passport. It does not mean that the...