Learn the definition of the virulence factor. Discover virulence factor examples. Know about virulence factors of bacteria and virulence factors of...
What is a virulence factor definition? Pathogenic organisms have a different breadth of virulence. For example, astrainofbacteriamay be more virulent than the other strains of the samespecies. The virulence of a pathogen is often correlated with virulence factors. ...
In subject area: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology By definition, a virulence factor is a gene product that enables a microorganism to establish itself on or within a host of a particular species and enhance its potential to cause disease. ...
摘要: The Gram-positive bacterial pathogen Listeria monocytogenes has become one of the best studied models in infection biology. This review will update our knowledge of Listeria virulence factors and highlight their role during the Listeria infection process....
Virulence Factors and Toxins Toxins perhaps represent the ultimate definition of avirulence factorand play a major role in the pathogenesis of many importantbacterial diseases. As described elsewhere, bacterialpathogenshave evolved multiple means of delivering toxins and othervirulence factorsthat affect host...
Salmond, GPC Factors affecting the virulence of soft rot Erwinia species: the molecular biology of an opportunistic phytopathogen. In: Kado, CI, Crosa, JH eds. (1994) Molecular Mechanisms of Bacterial Virulence. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 193-206...
REVIEWS Streptolysin S‑like virulence factors: the continuing sagA Evelyn M. Molloy*, Paul D. Cotter‡§, Colin Hill*‡, Douglas A. Mitchell|| and R. Paul Ross‡§. Abstract | Streptolysin S (SLS) is a potent cytolytic toxin and virulence factor that is produced by ...
Temperature-dependent regulation The altered regulation of virulence factors and phenotypic changes documented in this study indicate that temperature affects Vc450 virulence mechanisms independent of growth or abundance. We hypothesize that global transcriptional regula- tors, which by definition are capable...
. Finally, all these types of factors, i.e. genetic specificity and abiotic as well asbiotic factors, are likely to interact and depend on the specific experimental system used, which makes predictions for virulence in nature difficult. Virulence is also a fast-evolving factor, which might ...
Discovery of virulence factors of pathogenic bacteria Hsing-Ju Wu, ... Michael P Jennings, in Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 2008 Bacterial virulence factors can be divided into several groups on the basis of the mechanism of virulence and function [3•] (Figure 1 and Table 1). These...